1. Your average door-to-door salesman (filler, Grian + Scar)

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Based on when Grian decided to try and sell a Did-You-Die box to Scar back in Season 6. Some of the lines are accurate to what they said, others aren't.

It's better if you watched the video, so that things don't seem out of context. (In case you'd like to watch, Grian's POV is above. Their meet-up is around the 3 minute mark.)
It was great to see them interacting, knowing that they'd become great friends further down the line.

Warning(s): None. Unless you count wholesomeness?

-Grian POV-

"You ready for my pitch?"

He fiddled with the collar of his suit with his other hand behind his back. The door was hidden pretty badly but Scar played along and ignored it.

"Yeah," He smiled nervously. They didn't know each other that well, but they were both confident enough not to mess up on their words. Grian had already practised his speeches in the mirror.

"Okay. First of all, I'm a door-to-door salesman. So-" he took out the door from behind him and plonked it onto the sun-bleached planks of the ship. It felt weirdly dizzying to stand on the elevated vessel. "-here's the door."

Scar chuckled lightly and waited behind it, eager to see where this was going.

"So, so now I gotta knock," he said, rapping his knuckles on the spruce wood.

There was shuffling behind the door. "Hold on- le-let me get the cat out of the way." Grian muffled a laugh and let Scar open the door, swinging it a little too far and causing it to almost topple over.

"Alright- hello?" He beamed a polite smile. Grian brushed some dust off his shoulder. "Uh, hello sir, I have uhm- a couple questions for you, if you would indulge me w-"

Scar lightly slammed the door in his face. "I don't answer the door sorry," he said, acting like a child who had just opened the front door to a guy handing out advertisements.

They laughed softly. Grian reached forward and knocked again. "Go away."

Another knock. The door swung open this time. "I don't answer the door to strangers," Scar said sheepishly.

"I-okay, forget the door." Grian equipped his axe and chopped the door down.
"Could I have a couple secon- could I have a couple of minutes of your time sir please?"

Scar smiled as he thought of another joke. "I don't even answer my phone either." They giggled like young kids in a school yard.

"Okay, I'm gonna allow you because of the bow-tie." He indicated the messily-tied accessory.

"Yess- I knew the bow-tie would do this!" He exclaimed. "So- how many times have you died on this server?"

"Oh. Uh..I just learned this, actually." Scar plucked the information from his memory. "I have died..one hundred and eighty-five times," Grian whistled, mildly impressed, "and I am the undisputed grand champion of deaths on this server. And I'm proud."

"Wow. You're proud?" The brown-haired man shook his head shyly. "No, I- I'm not. No. It's kinda sad." he murmured.

This was his opportunity. "Well, I may have a deal that interests you. Over here, I have a box full of goodies." He placed the Did-You-Die box down on the planks."And not just any goodies, this is a full set of enchanted armour and tools, ready to get you out of a pinch."

Scar shook his head at the marketing voice that Grian was using, but smiled. "How much?"


Word Count: 500. (Perfect amount.)

Oh, and this is basically what happened in the video but as a short story.

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