T w e l v e,

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I hurried my way out of the library, and I couldn't possibly rush any faster than I already did. I avoided every stare, every student that tried to greet me as I stormed by,

I couldn't think clearly.

The blonde-haired Slytherin clouded my mind, and nothing else made sense.

My steps echoed heavily as I walked over the courtyard's stone-covered ground, stumbling to the bridge, leaning over the edge of the railing, the darkened woods, the chilly breeze soring against my cheeks caught my attention for a split second, and everything that held heavy across my heart stunned in relief,

I hated him.

I hated him so much for having the hold of me we both knew he had.

I hated him for making me feel, only to rip my heart out of my chest,

I hated him for causing me to want him, to need him.

I never needed anyone before, except for my mother and my best friends, but right now — I couldn't be with her either, and I missed her, so much — more than words could ever come to describe,

No words could define the loss I held at this moment, the hurt of not being able to be with my mother, the need of the boy my heart ached for,

I felt my insides twist; the sickening feeling scored my senses as I tried to focus on the night — many people would fear the eclipse, but not me. I never minded the darkness, the untold, the not recognizable, and it was more than likely something I had inherited from my father,

The fearless senses, the intriguing feeling of always wanting to know the things you shouldn't — except for grief and loss. Those lived to be my greatest fears,

'' Are you bloody mad?'' His voice shredded the peace I felt lost in, his footsteps clinked loudly, '' What the fuck are you doing out here—,''

My eyes rolled at his words as I gripped the stone tighter, '' Go away, Malfoy,'' I whispered, not knowing if he even heard the spoken words,

The cold hands gripped roughly around my arms, striving to turn me around, '' I said — What are you doing out here?'' The fingers digging into my flesh made me dizzy; the touch he brought, even if it was meant to be a cruel one, affected me more than anything,

The blue eyes bored through mine, the strokes of moonlight lightened the pale skin, '' And I told you to leave, Draco—,''

His head snapped to the side, brows furrowed, '' Are you going to see Cedric?''

'' Because if you do, I swear to god that I will kill that little—,'' He arose, but the startled look on my face shut him up, he hushed, jaws clenched into sharp lines, '' Answer me, are you going to—,''

'' No,''

'' No what?'' Draco spat, the temper failing him terrified me, '' And don't you dare lie to me—,''

'' Why do you even care, Draco?'' I snapped, pushing the blonde-boy back, '' Why do you care about who I see and not? You made it more than clear that you didn't want me,''

I couldn't take it anymore, the constant battle in my mind, hoping that he one day would wake up and realize what's standing right in front of him, and the truth of him never doing so,


My tells left him speechless, numb to a point where he didn't even fight back, '' For a Ravenclaw, you're more than stupid at times,'' He growled, rushing a ring-coated hand through his hair, '' Leave. I don't want you out here at this hour,''

I am a Riddle | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now