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You start to wake up

Y/n: Ugh where am I?

Papyrus: Y/n? Is that you?

Y/n: Papyrus? What are you doing here? Didn't we split up?

Papyrus: I was just about to ask you that

Chara: Y/n? Papyrus?

They both turn to look at Chara

Y/n: Chara too? What's going on?

Chara: I haven't seen you guys in a while, where are we?

Papyrus: This place seems familiar

Y/n: Wait...all these pillars....the sun shining down.....this is Judgement hall

Papyrus: Judgement hall? What are we doing here?

Chara then notices something


Both Y/n and Papyrus turn around and see a mysterious figure walking toward them with an evil grin on their face

???: Hehehehe

???: Hehehehe

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Although in different locations Y/n, Chara, and Papyrus wake up at the exact same time, their eyes burning with their representative colors

Y/n&Chara&Papyrus: What the hell was that?

Coming November 27

See you then


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