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A long and endless week passes.

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in Boston, Lylou is sleeping. The first rays of dawn appear when the young girl is awake, hearing a familiar voice :


The young girl, sweating, immediately gets up.

"Lou...Louan ? Are you awake at last ? You are fine ! Everybody worries about you ! Wait...you...you are talking to me thanks to telepathy ? Do you accept to enter into the magic world ?"

Lylou heards a weak whisper as an answer :


Nothing then.

Lylou catches her grimoire.

"Part 1 : list of magic power. Letter T : teleportation."

Pages quickly turn until the wanted one. On the left, indications. On the right, two magical Beings are drawn. The one on the left has eyes closed and the one on the right faces Lylou.

The young girl hurries to read the short text :

"Close your eyes and precisely visualize the place you would like to go to. Whisper its name or say it out loud. You will find yourself at the place you asked.

Saint-Pierre hospital, Reunion Island, Louan Laury's room !"

When the young girl opens her eyes again, the recognizes the hospital room.

Lied on the bed, Louan did not move. His oxygen mask still covers his nose and his mouth. His heart rate is below ten beatings per minute and his brain waves dangerously go down !

"Oh, no ! Louan ! You are still in the coma ! But your consciousness has not gone, you managed to contact me by telepaphy ! I understood your message, I immediately bring you back home !"

The young girl takes Louan's hand and an oxygen mask in the other hand. Both leave the hospital room less than a second.

Lylou drops Louan off on his bed, then runs to look for the members of his family. Finally, she warns Charlie about the current situation.

Everyone, after having called and picked Axel up, gathers around Louan. Lylou tells what happened :

"I was sleeping when I heard Louan's voice in my head. It was more a whisper than a voice...He begged me to bring him back home. So, I took his oxygen mask, his heart rate diminished by half !

- Thanks again, Lylou. I will cast an amnesia spell to not encourage suspicions. The staff of the hospital will not remember Louan."

A promise is a promise. Louan's hospital room is empty again.

While Lylou, Ilios and Axel stay in the comatose's bedromm, the adults gather outside, around the table of the veranda.

"Théoléo, Evanjelina, your son is in a deplorable situation. But I am sure he will be cured. I do not know how much time his coma will last...

I understood what he felt, so did Lylou. It is all my fault, he did not want to leave his house. All your son wanted is to stay with you and blossom in the non-magical world. Without his family, Louan suffered. Magic and its universe made him unhappy. And, a happy life without magic is much better than an existence in a universe where we do not find our place. I understood it too late, I thought that Louan would discover a whole, joyful, new world, but it is the contrary for him. Even if he does not feel good in this non-magical world, here, he has got a family, friends, a future, and so many things to learn ! That is why I decided that he will not take his witchcraft exam. It is his decision to use his powers or not. He will always have them, they are innate, but it does not matter if he does not use them. And if Louan changes his opinion one day, which is quiet unlikely, the magical world is always here.

- Thank you, Charlie. Indeed, Louan has to know happiness, and to stay in this world he knows is a good beginning. Here, he has support, and if he chose to stay, we could not stop him from living the life he dreams of. Despite his personality, our son is sensitive and deserves his place under the sun. Drawing, philosophy, his wish of learning are his oxygen. He finds these three ingredients here. So, if Louan wishes to live without magic, we will live without magic. We only wish his well-being, and it is in the non-magical world he will find it.

- Yes. But what about future magical Beings without their magical scholarship ?"

Charlie makes a big smile.

"Do not worry, we will find a way. Sola Viatorem will be born again from her ashes and her sinking."

With these hopeful words, Charlie disappears in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Théoléo and Evanjelina go back to their second son's bedroom, he is still lied on the bed, motionless, hardly breathing, but still present.

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