Going off on their own

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The victory party should have been fun, but Diane's ten-times-too-happy demeanor put Regulus on edge—even though he was the hero of the day. Too many life and death situations as of late—and the Marauders' keeping secrets.

Lucy knows they're keeping things back too. At least someone gets it. Reg sneaked out of the party to roam the halls, collect his thoughts.

A loud crack sent him six inches in the air. "What the—"

"Master Regulus!" Kreacher's wrinkled face pinched with worry. "Is Master Regulus okay? Kreacher saw what happened, and Kreacher could not help being worried. Kreacher tried! Kreacher really tried to stop the nasty bludger, but Kreacher couldn't!"

"But you stopped the snitch?" Reg smiled at the elf. "Thanks, Kreacher."

"It was nothing. Kreacher is only happy to serve Master Regulus." The house-elf made embarrassed circles on the floor with one foot.

"You know who did it?" said Reg.

"No... Kreacher is sorry."

"It's fine. It was a long shot. Why are you here?"

"Master Regulus asked to be informed if Kreacher found out about..."

I forgot about that! "You heard something?"

Kreacher nodded. "Mistress Bellatrix borrowed Kreacher for preparations in her mansion. Kreacher was happy for the opportunity. Then Kreacher heard Mistress Bellatrix talk to Master Rodolphus about an artifact the Dark Lord—praise his being—gave her for safekeeping. Kreacher was led to understand it was very important to the Dark Lord."

Reg knelt. "Kreacher, do you know what it is?"

"A cup," the house-elf gulped, "bearing the sign of Helga Hufflepuff."

Regulus furrowed his brows. "Do you know where it is?"

"Kreacher does not know. Kreacher is sorry."

"No, don't be. You did very well! Thank you, Kreacher."

The elf's wrinkled face broke into a smile. "Kreacher is just happy to serve Master Regulus!"

"Thanks, little buddy. Now, I'll have to give you an order, just to be on the safe side. First, don't punish yourself over any of this! Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"And second, don't say anything to anyone other than me about this—especially not Mother. Like before, if she asks, lie. And don't punish yourself over that either."

"Yes, Master." Kreacher nodded with enormous eyes.

"That's all."

"Yes, Master Regulus. Kreacher will go back. Mistress is bound to notice. Kreacher has seen gone far too long already."

Reg nodded sadly. "It was nice to see you, little buddy. You're allowed to pop by once in a while, you know."

The elf smiled. "It is not Kreacher's place to go on social visits. Kreacher just wants to serve."

"Still. I wouldn't mind. Just so you know."

Kreacher's smiled brightened, and he vanished with a crack. Once he was gone, Reg's faced turned dark.

A Horcrux. With the crest of Helga Hufflepuff. And Bellatrix has it. What am I gonna do?

"Lucy?" Sirius whispered from across the library table. "Any idea what happened to Prongs?"

"How should I be knowin' that?" Lucy said without looking up from her homework. "If ye don't know, how on Irish turf would I?"

"But he's all... weird, and happy—up in the clouds all the time, and..."

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