17| Practice

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Reader's POV

Tuesday had passed and at Wednesday, I had finally been released from the Hospital Wing. I was so happy, I could finally roam around with freedom, but my left hand was still wearing a cast.

Having classes seemed normal to me as if though my arm never got injured.

At around 4:00 pm in the afternoon, I had just finished Transfiguration with the Gryffindors.

"Hey Harry!" I called for Harry, who was just in front of me.

"Oh hi (y/n)!" he said cheerfully.

"So how's your private lessons with Professor Lupin? Did you finally learn how to repel a Dementor?" I asked curiously.

Ever since the last Quidditch Match, Harry had been troubled by his experiences with the Dementors. That's why Professor Moony had taught him how to defend himself.

"It was so great," said Harry. "Easy as pie. Although I passed out at the first try, but that was nothing. He's really great isn't he?"

"Who?" I asked absent-mindedly.

Harry chuckled. "Professor Lupin of course! He's the best DADA professor we've ever had so far."

"Oh yeah, yeah," I said; I felt my cheeks blush. "Yeah, Professor Lupin's really great."

"You know if you'd like, I could teach you how to repel a Dementor. To defend yourself." says Harry.

Suddenly a memory struck me. I recalled meeting with Sirius at Saturday night; what if my dream did come true? What if he might attack me? I needed to defend myself and learn defensive spells.

"(y/n) is there something wrong?" Harry asked. "You're looking so pale. I'll call Madam Pomfrey."

"No need Harry," I blurted out. "I'm perfectly fine. It's just that I realized that er, I forgot to do, er my homework in Ancient Runes! That's all."

He scanned my eyes carefully as though he was suspecting something. "Ok bye (y/n)." he said.

"Bye!" I hollered awkwardly and went back to the common room.

"Padma!" I called for her.

"Oh hey (y/n) what's up?" she asked, lifting her head from a book that she had been reading.

"I just wanna ask. Er, do you know anyone who's skilled at duelling? Just curious." I said.

"Professor Lupin of course!" Padma exclaimed.

I blushed once more and chuckled. "Well, that's a pretty obvious choice and er, anybody else? Aside from him?"

Padma thought for a while, biting her lip. "Oh there's Professor Flitwick. I heard that he can even defeat the most powerful Death Eaters."

"Thanks Padma, I'm going to see Professor Flitwick by now." I said, heading to the Duelling Club room, where Professor Flitwick usually stayed during our spare time.

"Good afternoon Professor Flitwick." I greeted him.
"Good afternoon Ms. Bell," he said with a smile. "Is there anything that you need? I'll be happy to help you."

"Well I've heard that you are a skilled duellist. Is that true sir?" I asked.

"Not to brag, but yes. I am." he said humbly.

"I just wanted you teach me how to duel," I said. "But don't worry Professor, I'm not gonna use it to play pranks with the Weasley twins."

Professor Flitwick raised a brow.

"Why?" he asked.
"Oh, er," I said. "You know, since Sirius Black is on the loose and I just wanted to defend myself if ever we cross paths."

"Good idea Ms. Bell. But again, not to brag, Black's no match for me. So, our lesson begins now."

Soon, I managed to learn Expelliarmus, which was really easy to master and Protego; it took me about an hour to get the spell right but I managed to do it correctly.

"Well done Ms. Bell!" Professor Flitwick said cheerily. "Five points to Ravenclaw!"
"Thank you Professor." I said.

"Let's meet tomorrow and Friday, if that's alright with you." Professor Flitwick says. I nodded my head in agreement.

I bid goodbye to him and headed back to the common room for advance reading.

Teacher's Pet: Remus Lupin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now