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trash bin(s)😍

are you okay

yeah why

the group chat

what about it

don't play dumb with me
"just friends" my ass

he'll never think of
me that way gigi it's fine

scarlett nova fox
he likes you we all know it
it's so obvious

yeah obvious he doesn't like me

do i need to remind you
of what happened last
Christmas?? no one gives
a family heirloom to their

he was just being nice
we grew up together

merlin scarlett this is
why you weren't sorted
into ravenclaw

idk why ur in it then 🤠

ouch bitch
you're both blindly in love

no we're not

yes scarlett and tho it's
sickening to watch u two be
all low key romantic with each other
it's more painful to watch
you both pretend your
both not in love 

georgia stop
he doesn't like me end of story
and anyways relationships
aren't for me.
people in my family don't stay
in love, look at my parents

scarlett you are not your
parents. you can and will love.
scarlett don't put up this wall
not with me of all people

first one on one convo!
slowly revealing scarletts life
thank you for reading !!
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