Chapter 3: The Blue Dress

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So the next day the girls went to the mall and looked at the blue dress.

"Hey there's the blue dress".said Kate "ok let's go try it on"said Jass "great idea".said Kate
So then Kate try's the dress on and says
"Omg it's beautiful". "How much is it" asked Jass "Um $299" said Kate
"Oh that's not that much" said Jass
"Your right" said Kate
"Then get it . I mean why not". said Jass "Well I wanted to try the pink dress on it's the last dress and I will decide". said Kate
"Ugh oh ok".said Jass

So then they walk home and while they walk home Kate tells Jass this.

"So guess who texted me last night". Said Kate "Who"?.asked Jass
" Sebastian. he asked me to prom".said Kate in a happy way. "OMG!! Lucky no on asked me yet". said Jass in a sad way. "Omg I am so sorry someone will ask you".

So then they went home and when Jass went home in her room this happend.

"Ding" the phone said
John : hello
Jass: hey
John: I have to ask you something
Jass: what?
John: will you go to prom with me?
Jass: umm YASS (Lol Haley )
John: oh cool.
John: I will pick you up 7:00
Jass: cool c u then

And now both girls have a date but no dress find out what dress they will where.

Thanks guys for reading love ya.

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