Chapter 4 Swordsman in the Night Sky

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No one's POV

No one's POV

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A/N: Zora final gear for SAO

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A/N: Zora final gear for SAO

Currently, Zora is walking around the Forests of Wandering on Floor 35 and he was walking he heard the sound of a mobs attacking someone. And he heard a scream.

Zora: What the...?

Zora then run towards the sound of monster and when he got there, he saw a monster ganged around a little girl and Zora quickly pull out his sword and effortlessly took them out. After he took them out he saw the little girl was looking at him with tears on her eyes.

 After he took them out he saw the little girl was looking at him with tears on her eyes

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Brow hair: Pina...

The girl turn around and looked at the glowing feather and she picked it up and started crying.

Brown hair: Don't leave me all alone here...Pina!

Zora put his sword away and looked at the girl and the feather.

Zora put his sword away and looked at the girl and the feather

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