Chapter 30 | You're Too Cute To Die

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Chapter 30 | You're Too Cute To Die

“All I’m saying is when you fall in love, the emptiness fades away.” — The Wedding Singer

“You’re going to have to speak to me eventually, you know,” My mom tells me, glancing at me from across the table. I look up from my bowl of Lucky Charms and shake my head in response, just to prove her wrong. “I just don’t understand why you’re so upset with me,” She goes on and I sigh under my breath, already getting tired of this talk. She should really just give it all a rest.

Today is March 1, which means that it’s been exactly thirteen days since my mother grounded me for missing curfew and spending the night with Graham for our make-up Valentine’s Day. I, being the stubborn person I am, decided that if she was going to be all mean and sexist, then I wasn’t going to speak to her.

And I haven’t. I haven’t uttered a single word to my mother since that Sunday a couple of weeks back and until I am officially ungrounded, I don’t plan on speaking to her. Today is the last day though and my prison sentence should be up tomorrow, so I’ll start back talking to her. Well, unless she makes me mad today, which is very likely.

The thing is, I wasn’t even all that upset about her grounding me (okay, I was, but that wasn’t the main thing that pissed me off). The main thing that pissed me off was that the same day she grounded me, after Sienna and Piper went home, and after Aspen finally stopped badgering me about intimate details about Graham, my mother came into my room and rained even more on my parade. In addition to being grounded for an entire two weeks, she decided that she’d take away all of my art supplies, disconnect the cable in my bedroom, and ban my friends from coming over, including Graham.

So, that being said, I’ve only been able to see Pipes, Sienna, and Graham for the past two weeks during school hours, which really sucks, because I’m used to spending a lot more time with them all. Also, it really sucks that I couldn’t see Graham, because we have a really big Theology test next week and I’m still his tutor, but because my mom is ridiculous and annoying, I haven’t been able to help him get ready for it. So, thanks to my mom, he’ll probably fail and I’ll feel bad.

“Okay,” My mother sighs when she realizes that I’m still giving her the silent treatment. “Well, just so you know, I’m going out of town on a business trip tomorrow,” She explain and I start eating my cereal noticeably faster so that I can leave this kitchen and return to my Heather-free room. “I’m going to Paris and I’ll be there for two weeks,” She adds. “Do you want something back?”

“Why do you even try with her, mom?” Beckett asks with a laugh, walking into the kitchen dressed in his pajamas. Thank God. I was getting tired of having to see my adult brother walk around the house in only his boxers. It’s very awkward and should stop.

“To show her that I don’t care if she’s mad at me,” My mother replies. “Sawyer, you really should stop taking this whole thing so personally. You broke the rules and I grounded you. That’s what normal parents do. If you break the law, you get arrested. I am just preparing you for the real world,” She explains and I suppress the urge to roll my eyes because that’s dumb and nonsensical.

“Did I hear you say that you’re going to France?” Beckett asks, going over to the cupboard and taking out his box of cereal- Raisin Bran Crunch, which is the worst brand of cereal ever, but it’s his favorite, for some odd reason. He grabs a bowl from the cabinet, the gallon of milk from the refrigerator, and a spoon before coming over to the table and sitting down parallel to me.

“You did,” She confirms with a nod. “I have to meet with the CEO at the company’s regional office in Paris, then I have to go to a week-long convention, and then a four day convention,” She explains.

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