Maybe I Was Doing Alright

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Taehyung clapped the trainee on the shoulder as she jumped out of the ring, her cheek bruised from the previous fight. He watched her opponent crawl out of the ring as well with a towel around her neck to wipe away the sweat that had formed.

"Nicely done you two." He congratulated them when the other girl joined them. "Hwasa, next time, move your feet a bit more. You resembled a statue at one point and a statue can't fight too well."

The girl threw him an unamused look but nodded, knowing he meant it well. He let them both take a breather and sauntered back to his spot on the bench. When he neared the bench he saw his phone lit up from a distance and frowned when he noticed the multiple notifications appearing on his screen.

His mother had sent him something about the Christmas dinner that was coming up and asked if he and Jeongguk would be attending. The hurt that those messages brought were quickly replaced when he scrolled down and saw all the missed calls he had gotten, all coming from one person.


He had called him about forty minutes ago and Taehyung's heart picked up when he thought of what the reason could be. Would he be coming home? Was he breaking up with him? It could really go either way. Maybe he wanted to tell Taehyung about how much longer he'd have to stay away from him.

He really hoped that wasn't the case.

Taehyung tried ringing back but his first call was left unanswered. Weird, he thought when it was evident that Jeongguk had wanted to contact him by calling three times.

Taehyung tried calling again but this time the ringing ended and noises came from the other side of the line. Heavy thumping could be heard but also the low sound of someone shuffling and when Taehyung was about to speak he was interrupted by a heartbreaking voice.

"Please help me." A suppressed sob followed and Taehyung jumped up from the bench, adrenaline rushing through his veins.

"Jeongguk?" He quickly went to the door, the presence of others in the gym suffocating him. As he stumbled out of the exit he asked. "What's wrong darling? What happened?"

"I'm stuck in my bedroom." Jeongguk cried. "I told my mom I'm gay and she started throwing with bottles at my head - f-fucking beer bottles. I locked myself in b-but she's trying to break the door down." His sobs had worsened now and Taehyung could feel his heart ache. "I'm scared."

The soft little voice brought Taehyung's legs moving and suddenly he was sprinting to his car. He quite literally jumped into the vehicle and started the engine.

"I'm coming. Don't hang up please, I'm jumping into my car as we speak." He heard the car engine come to life and put on the seatbelt after throwing the phone into the passenger seat, Jeongguk's voice on the speaker.

Taehyung sped out of the parking lot and into the open streets, ignoring the multiple angered cars around him. He wasn't sure how many speeding tickets he'd be getting after this but he was sure it didn't matter when he imagined Jeongguk, scared, pressed into a corner, tears streaming down his face. He didn't deserve this and his mother was so deserving of a punch in her face.

Sadly he wasn't sure if that was a good idea. It all depended on how she would react to Taehyung storming into the apartment. He had to look out for any bottles being thrown at his head and he wasn't sure if hitting her with a punch wouldn't break her in two.

He saw the apartment block appear in sight. Somewhere there Jeongguk was hiding in his room, waiting for Taehyung to get him out.

"I'll be there in two minutes." He breathed down the phone as he ran out of the car once he had parked it next to the curb. He would only have to climb the stairs and then he'd be there. He prepared himself for what he was about to say.

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