Chapter 14: The Past Returns

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A week later, I knew today was the day. Scarlet was coming back and things won't be the same. Would they ever be? No. Was I fine with that? Yes. Will she be fine with it? I didn't think so.

When class was over, I went to my locker. While I was there, the main building's doors opened. I sighed, ready to see her appear and walk towards me with a smirk on her face.

It wasn't her. I wasn't nervous, but I was pissed that she was coming back. She should've stayed in there with Jett and get the hell on.

I went to English and sat there, watching the class fill up with students. I was too consumed in my own thoughts as the lesson started. Nobody knew she was coming back, except me. Finally coming out of my trance, I listened to what she was saying and took notes.

The bell rang, I gathered my things and left. Standing by my locker, I watched the herd of students shuffle to class. To take my mind off of Scarlet returning, I went up to a girl and whispered, "I heard Darius was trying to steal Louis's drug money." They sold drugs together, so that made it more believable.

She glanced at me, "Foreal??" I nodded and she hurried off to tell someone else and minutes later, the rumor was the only thing that people were talking about.

"Bruh, how the hell you gonna try to steal my damn money?" Louis yelled as he got in Darius's face.

"What you mean, 'I tried to steal your money?' Bruh, you got your facts all the fucked up if you think I'mma try and steal from you. You know what? I should've, you stole my girl," he said.

Louis had a wince on his face as if he was in pain, he probably remembered when he took his girlfriend, "Aye, she came onto me and she was good."

The crowd that circled around oohed and got closer to hear what they were saying. Darius swung and connected to Louis's face, making him lose his balance and stumble. He started punching the hell out of him and they were being pulled apart.

All of that still didn't distract me that Scarlet would arrive any minute. I wasn't scared, all I knew was that something was bound to happen.

While I started to make my way to class, someone slammed into the locker in front me, making me take a step back. A girl ran over and beat the hell out of the girl that was on the floor. While they wrestled on the ground, I jumped over them and continued making my way to class.

When I got there, I took my seat and waited for the lesson to start. Marc stormed into the classroom, yelling at one of the girls, "Aye, Emmy, you saw that fight?! Kennedy was swinging in that girl after Dena got slammed into the locker!"

Oh, so those were to two girls that fought in front of me. I shrugged and waited for the lesson to start. I didn't want to be bothered with and I didn't want to hear talking all around me.

"Yeah, she was whooping her!"

When Mr. Loans walked in, I gathered my things and walked out. "Ms. Lewis, where are you going??" When I didn't answer, he called out again, "Ms. Lewis!" I was halfway down the hallway.

I had one thing on my mind: Scarlet. Knowing her, she would want revenge and if I was her, I would want it too.

Half an hour later, standing in the bathroom, listening to music, the bell rang. I walked out and joined the rush of students.

After navigating my way through them and getting to my locker, the main building's doors opened. It was Scarlet Jenson.

The students that were nearby turned their attention to the doors and their eyes almost popped out of their heads once they saw her. They were quiet, except for the couple of whispers. Her dark, red hair flowed down her back and she had a knowing look on her face. She wore a fitted white t- shirt that showed off her tattoos, a sleeveless jean vest, dark yellow skinny jeans, and Jordans.

When her eyes landed on me, she smiled. The students that were around, faced me, wanting to know what my reaction. I smirked.

She walked towards me, the crowd followed our every move. "Hey, Scarlet!" Some girl with a squeaky voice yelled. She turned in her direction, "Hey," she waved back.

Folding my arms across my chest, I smirked, "So, you're back."

She grinned, "Yes I am."

"How was jail?"

"It was awful, there was bland sandwiches and some shit that didn't look normal. Some of those females in there were butch and buff," she explained.

"How are you, Autumn?" She asked.

"Fine, I see jailtime did you some good since you said you've changed."

She smiled, "It did." She glanced and saw everyone staring at us, "Let's talk in private."

We went outside on the patio, sat on the benches, and talked.

"Cut the bullshit, Scarlet, I know you didn't change, your true colors are about to show."

"Still the same Autumn, still blunt as always," she said with a scowl.

"Yeah, but remember, karma is me, a bitch."

She sighed, "I know you want to rip my head off so you can catch me slip up, but trust me, I'm a different person."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and Irina isn't a hoe," I said while getting up.

I didn't believe her and she knew it. With her being here, something was bound to happen.

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