Chapter 6

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~ Stacy's POV ~

Why did I tell Graser practically my entire life story? Good question. I don't exactly know, he just seemed trustworthy, and I liked that about him. He just gave off that vibe that I could tell him anything, unlike Joey. If you tried to tell him anything vaguely tragic, he would flip out, and become a terrifying hermit for a few days. That was why I wouldn't tell him a lot of my problems.

He seemed so innocent and sweet that I had to ask him to come along. I needed human companionship if I wanted to look for Joey without going insane and getting hopeless.

"Graser, I was wondering-" I asked tentatively. He appeared in a daze.

"Graser!" I exclaimed.

He looked up. "Hmm?" Is he okay?

"Graser, are you okay?"

"Call me Zach," he said. I smiled inwardly, then rushed to cover it up with a mildly confused expression. Why the heck was I smiling and blushing so much?

"Alright, Zach, did you hear what I said?"

Of course he didn't. I smirked, then took a deep breath.

"Will you come with me?"

He hesitated, but not for long. "Of course."


Later at home, I sat at my iMac looking through credit card bills. Graser and I had exchanged numbers, and when I found out where Joey had spent something, I would call him so we could hop on a flight to there as quick as possible.

An hour later, my bleary eyes screaming for sleep, I focused on a line of text:

Card Number: **********6098
Cafe Salad: $4.50
San Diego, CA 92102
Date: 04/21/2015

So Joey hadn't strayed far: still in California. Well, that was good at least, we didn't have to hop on a flight like I had anticipated. And the date was recent, 3 days ago, but who knows? Joey always had a talent for not staying in one place very long, always on the move.

I grabbed my phone to call Zach with the news: we were going to San Diego!

a/n: short update woohoo.
comment which country you live in!


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