Chapter 6

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"Why did you go then?" Tommy asks me since we're the only ones awake and downstairs.

"What'd you mean?" I say, knowing he was there when Polly asked me if I had enough time to think.

"I could tell you didn't tell the whole truth, so tell me," he says, sitting with me at the table.

"What happens if I don't want to?" I quip, causing him to laugh.

"I could just ask your friend Jane, but I'd think she's over share," he says, offering me a cigarette as he noticed my trembling hands.

"Your a mean man," I giggle, letting him light it for me as well.

"I went out there to calm down. The memories were bad that morning and I needed a break."

"What memories?"

"Ones of the war," I let out a ragged breath.

"I get dreams, of the shovels banging against the walls, I wake up just before they reach me," he quietly tells me. 

"What calms you?" I ask.

"I'm not sure yet," he sighs, but his eyes tell me that's not the truth.

"Try smells that remind you of home, something that doesn't remind you of France," I recommend.

"Will you get me a lavender smell? I don't know where to get one," he says, stubbing his cigarette out.

"I'll see what I can do," I smile.


"Why's it so quiet?" I ask Jane as we walk to the grocers. We always pick shifts so that our break is either the same or we finish at the same time.

"I dunno, word around says Billy Kimber is coming to town with loaded guns," she says.

"There's no one here," I huff, seeing everything is shut.

"Let's go to mine for lunch," she says, leading me down to her house.

As we pass Watery Lane we hear a two gunshots then yelling. "Fuck!" Jane shouts, tugging me away.

A third gunshot silences the voices.

"What happens if somebody's dead?" I ask, wanting to go back and help.

"What happens if somebody has a gun and will shoot you Evie! Your not going to look!" She shouts.

"Somebody get Evelyn!" A man shouts, the gruff voice lets me know it's Arthur.

"See! They need me," I say, turning around and running to Watery Lane where the gun shots came from.

"You're crazy!" She yells after me.

"Oh fuck!" I say, letting the man that married John and Esme lead me to where I need to be.

The Garrison.

I open my bag and grab my small nurses kit, getting my tweezers out incase somebody had a bullet in them.

"Get me a bottle of whiskey!" I yell as I see Tommy's bleeding shoulder.

In no time I'm given a full bottle of whiskey and a rag. "Take his shirt off," I say, dousing my hands and the equipment in whiskey.

I'm With You - Tommy Shelby Where stories live. Discover now