24- Gryffindor v. Slytherin

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The next day you went to your Uncle's office to see if he had new information but he didn't and the following days were mostly spent on the field since Oliver scheduled practice five times a week. Oliver rambled on about tactics and would constantly tell the chasers to score 50 points or more, the beaters to keep an eye out for the chaser and Harry and he would constantly tell Harry to catch the snitch when they finally reached 50 points. As the Quidditch final was getting near there started to be a lot of tension between both houses, more than usual. This was due to the fact that the last time the Gryffindor house won the Quidditch cup was when legendary seeker Charlie Weasley was on the team. The day before the final you were walking with Oliver when you both saw Harry being taunted by many Slytherins.

"(y/n) he needs someone to accompany him"

"Agreed I'll do it, you can go to class Ollie. I'll take care of him afterall he is my brother" Oliver gave you a smile and left.

"HARRY!" Harry turned around and was relieved when he saw you.

"(y/n)!" He looked relieved to see you.

"Oliver said you needed someone to accompany you so I'll do it can't have these Slytherins reck you"

"Honestly (y/n) I'm more concerned about our firebolts"

"They'll be fine. Anyways what class do you have right now?"

"Divination but you can drop me off outside the castle I can go alone"

"And disobey Wood, no way Potter plus I'm sure Hagrid will understand" You took him to Divination and made your way to Care of Magical Creatures with the twins and Lee who were relieved to see you.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" George approached you with his arms out.

"Yeah don't worry I'm okay" you reached out your arms and hugged him. "Harry wasn't though. The Slytherins keep taunting him in the halls so Oliver suggested someone accompany him to his classes which I offered to do so"

"I think we should take turns, can't have you being late to all your classes" Lee said as he hugged you.

"Agreed well I'm glad you're okay (y/n) the tension between us and the Slytherins has grown a lot" Fred said as he pulled you into a side hug. After Care of Magical Creatures was over, Fred offered to walk Harry to his next class while you all made your way to DADA. Once there you sat in your usual spot with George in the back and everything seemed to be going well until Graham and Adrain sat in front of you, while Adrian sat quietly Graham wasted no time and started bugging you.

"Hey Potter, if you go on a date with me I'll tell Flint to go easy on you guys maybe that way you can win the cup"

"Leave her alone Montague" George snarled.

"Wasn't talking to you Weasley so mind your business"

"Montague drop it you are going to get detention" Adrian said.

"Shut it Pucey. So what do you say (y/n) afterall you do want your team to win don't you"

"Piss off Montague I'm not that desperate to win the cup. Going out with you would be the last thing I would ever do, I wouldn't sink that low"

"You already did by hanging out with the Weasels"


"GEORGE NO!" you and Lee tried to pull George back while Adrian and another Slytherin were trying to pull Graham back. "GRAHAM ENOUGH" They were once again fighting but it didn't last long like before because your uncle came in to break the fight off.


They both got up but you and Adrian pulled them apart just in case they went at it again.

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