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Do you ever meet someone and just click right off the bat? Or run into someone and have a conversation with them that could last for hours? Or maybe you were ordering food and this special someone was the waiter/waitress. It's different for everyone. We all meet someone at a different place, and a different time.

Well, if this has happened to you then you should know how it feels to be on cloud nine. Like when you met them, you knew something was going to blossom, and when it finally does you feel amazing. You feel like no one else matters. Just this person that you accidentally on purpose crossed paths with. It's like fate. We meet people for a reason, some being good, some being a lesson learned.

But, with this, comes the bad. When you swap numbers, and you don't know who is going to be the first to call, but you know it won't be you. Or when someone finally picks up the phone, owning up to it and dialing the number that they have oh-so-badly been dying to call, but they don't answer. They think of the worst case scenario; being ignored. They think that the other person doesn't want to talk to them, or that they called too soon, when in all reality, they just missed the call because they were working, or spending time with family. Meeting someone out of nowhere is a struggle. You don't know how to act, or if you should hold back or not. But, being yourself is inevitable. You are bound to shine through the front that you put up. And he saw that little crack of shyness that I was trying to hide, he read me like an open book.

I met him at a coffee shop, that's down the street from my apartment. I go there whenever I just need to think; this particular day was because I needed a breath of fresh air.

I always get the same thing; warm, caramel mocha coffee, extra sugar, extra cream. He was sitting at a table diagonal from mine, sipping on his cold frappe-chino, staring out the window, intently watching every car that would drive by in a hurry to their destination.

He wasn't someone that you would particularly see at a coffee shop at 11 in the morning, but he was still there. Whether he was there to think as well, or if he was in the mood for coffee, it didn't matter. He never once looked away from the window. Never took his eyes away from the cars rushing down the street, or the people passing by.

But, of course I had to ruin his state of peace. After I got my coffee from the barista, I turned around to find a table to sit at and drink the warm liquid in my cup. As I was turning around, I didn't realize that someone was standing behind me, extremely close may I add, and I accidentally bumped into them, spilling my drink all over myself and this person, in the process.

I, of course, got red in the cheeks. Who wouldn't? I apologized to the person that I ran into, but they were just plain old rude.

"Watch where you're going next time, kid!" It was an old man, grey hair, kind of on the chubby side, and average height.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't see you there." I say to him, trying to steer away from this embarrassment as quickly as I can.

"Yeah, obviously. Now you got hot coffee all over me! You fool!" He said, trying to wipe the coffee off his nice shirt.

"Sir, I'm truly sorry, I didn't mean to." I say, picking up my broken mug from the floor.

As I went to pick up the last share of the shattered mug, the old man kicked it away, and stepped on my fingers.

"Ow!" I said to the old man, trying to get my fingers out from under his shoe, but he wouldn't budge.

"That's what you get for ruining my new shirt you useless girl!" He stepped even harder on my fingers, causing me to scream out again.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I heard a deep voice say from behind me. The old
man automatically took his foot from my hand, relief flooding through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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