Chapter5: friday !

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Jesses POV:

   I wake up to my alarm playing king for A day I yawn and look around to see Michael putting his shirt on i looked away and my cheeks heated. "Sorry" I said in a quiet voice. He chuckled. "It's fine sleepy head, how'd you sleep?" I smiled. "I slept well..." I replied while Getting out of bed and turning on my straightener. Then walked over to get my cloths out of my dresser, I went to the bathroom to get dressed then came back in. I pulled half of my hair up and put music on and did my hair, Michael just sat and watched the whole time when I finished I stood up and turned the straightener off. "Want coffee??" I asked Michael. He smiled "yea sure can I have sugar in it?" I smiled. "Yeah if you get it yourself." He groaned in complaint and followed me to the kitchen.  "Your so lazy Michael." I laugh. "yeah i know i know." he replies with a soft smile. After we did that I went to go wake up my brother but he wasn't there, probably at a friends, thank god he would probably just tell my mom that I had a guy sleep in my room last night. After we did that we got our backpacks on and left.

Michaels POV:

  we walked down the road and the bus got there seconds later, maybe we were slightly late, we climbed on and sat in front of a girl with blonde hair then Jesse turned around and apologized to her and  turned around. "Why are you apologizing to her ??" I asked In a soft voice then yawned. She smiled. "She's my friend and i normally sit by her everyday." I nodded in understatement.

    we climb off the bus and her friends stare. I walk uncomfortably. There's no telling what they could be thinking, if they could be developing their own  little rumors in their heads.  When I look back up one of them wiggles thir eyebrows then giggles. We reach them and Jesse says her hellos.

Jesses POV:

  we walked to my friends and rosio wiggled her eyebrows at me and my cheeks heated. We got to them and I said hi. They all just looked at Michael. I decided to speak up. "He's new, he came with his three friends from Australia and we became friends instantly he spent the night at my house last night, but my mom can't know." I looked over to see his cheeks a shade of light pink I smiled. Then nudged him. He smiled and said hello.  the bell rings and we decide to go to classes. Michael looks at me confused. "I don't get the Friday schedule.." He confesses as we walk. I smile. Then explain to him, then i overlook his classes and we have 5 out of 8 classes After I explain he smiles then hugs me. "Thank you so much I gotta go, see ya in third hour ??" I smiled and hugged him back. "Yeah bye"

jesses POV:

   After what seems like a long day of this hell hole. I sigh as me and Michael walk to our  bus, "I'll have to introduce you to my parents today" I laugh "although we aren't dating or anything my dad will be worried, he's over protective." I laugh once more. He smiles. "I'm okay with that." He smoothly replies. I smile. *after bus ride and get home* we walk in my room then throw our bags down. "My parents won't be home for at least an hour." I inform him. He smiles a cheeky smile. "Okay." He simply says as I put on YouTube. "What kind of songs do you like??"

Michaels POV:

"what kind of songs do you like ??" Jesse asks me whilst standing at her computer. I smile, then walk over and type a song in and play it. She smiles. "I love Nirvana." She says then sings the lyrics to smells like teen spirit. We dance for a while then her dad walks in and she quickly turns the music off. "Hey dad this is Michael, he's just a friend don't worry." Her dad looks at me strangely then half smiles. "Don't make me get out my gun, by the way I'm Kevin, mr miller to you." I laugh. "I don't think that will be a problem Mr. Miller." I shyly state and jesses cheeks heat. We then go to her room and listen to music and we Play around on our phones and take a few selfies and exchange our phone numbers. When I get my phone back she set a silly picture of herself as my lockscreen but I don't change it. I Do the same to her and she smiles at it, after a couple hours we eventually fall asleep.

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