Chapter 24-Chris: Another Friend

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A few minutes later, a bunch of firefighters came from our window. They carry us off one by one. "Are you guys okay? The building collapsed a little, which killed everyone here. Except for you guys." He looks at the bed. "Oh, sorry." Gwen had stopped trying to console her. Partly because Anna kinda did. But she was also tired. It was almost morning. We had went to the hospital and 12. Now it was 6. I was also tired. "I'm too tired to be mad or sad." I tell Tom. He nods too. Dark circles had rested under his eyes. 


     When we get home, we turned the tv on. A news helicopter seemed to pass by the occasion and now was reporting it. I turn the volume up and listen, "The firefighters have reported that it was just a publicity stunt." Tom mocks the two words. I take my glasses off and pinch the bridge of my nose. "At least no one's coming to our house to ask us questions." We had thanked Logan a little while ago. "I'm going to my room." Tom says. "I could come with you Tom." Anna says. It was the first thing she said from the night to the morning. But mom really had it the worse. Anna tries putting her had on Tom's shoulder, but he slaps it away. "Please Anna, I think I just need some space." He sounded . . . cold. Like he didn't feel anymore. She looks at the floor and sighs. Then Tom goes to his room. Mom sighs. 

     "I'm going to go plan the funeral." She gets up, but I stop her. "You can do it after we get some good sleep." Even she couldn't argue with that. She walks upstairs an takes a left from my bedroom. Now it was me and Gwen. "I'm going home, okay? I'm sorry for our  loss. He was very nice. And very close to you." She gets up from the couch and kisses me on the cheek. Then she walks out the door and closes it. I get up from the couch as well and head to my room. Anna had decided to sit on the steps. I walk past her, but then, "Chris," I look back at her. "how can we defeat someone who's immortal. Not to mention they have extra powers. And that woman. I don't think we can win." I sit down next to her and say, "If one person like Tom's grandfather can hold Blade off for who knows how long? Then me, you, Tom, Gwen, and Logan can definitely do it." There was a silence for a while. Then Anna pierces it. "But, did Tom's grandfather know about that woman? Or should I say creature. She's not human to me." I nod. 

  "He probably did. He probably had to deal with them for years. Maybe there's more magic that the feather can do, than we think." I get up to go to my room, but Anna holds my hand, "I hope Tom doesn't stay like this forever." I nod and say, "I hope so too." Then she lets go and I go to my room. "CARRIE!" I turn around and Anna run out the door. I didn't even remember about Carrie! She's also in danger! I run back down the stairs and struggle to put my jacket on. "Come on. You've worked before." Then Tom walks out of his room. "Where are you going?" I tell that we forgot about Carrie. And that she was also in danger.

   Tom grabs his jacket and puts it on. By then I had put mine on. "Where's Anna?" He asks. "She ran out the door, probably going to Carrie's house." Tom silently curses. All I hoped for was that she had her feather. I had mine in my pocket. Tom ran back inside his room and grabbed his feather. We run out the door and take the shortcut to Carrie's house. 

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