When we call on the name of Jesus Part 1

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When we call on the name of Jesus

I was invited to this church to minister in a vigil. As I climbed the podium to preach, I started with a worship song in opening prayers. My eyes were closed. We had prayed and sang up his presence. As I opened my eyes there was a demon possessed one on the podium, charged. A young boy of about 12 years warning me to leave him and his children or so. The demons in the small boy had been stirred up. Another young boy who had an occult covenant was slain in the spirit and lay down on the floor for a long time. When he woke up, he was surprised. He shared his experience how he saw his covenant files they used to haunt him burn to ashes. Earlier his friend who accompanied him to confront those cult people who defrauded him of huge amount of money and initiated him had a drink cover mysteriously thrown into his stomach. He was rescued and others were healed and delivered. God's awesome presence did it when we prayed.

- When we call on the name of Jesus Christ things happen. Kingdoms are subdued. The mouths of Lions are stopped. The violence and fury of fire are quenched. The windows of the heavens are opened. The prison bars are broken asunder. Debts are paid and captives are set free. Women receive their dead raised back to life.

When Jesus comes the devil's, power is broken ... (Matt. 9:23-24)

The resident pastor of one of the churches shared with us how angels use to come to sing with this local brother each time he wakes up early hours of the morning in the community to play his accordion, sing and preach, all alone. Then it was called morning cry. He played his accordion the unconventional way as he never learnt it or had anyone teach him how to play it right. In the cool of the early morning in the deserted street the people from their respective homes would hear melodious and edifying voices accompanying his playing. I later met this uneducated brother and some others in that part of the country who following his style play that way, just by listening. Vamping in music was even better but he had heavenly endorsement.

Something About That Name, Jesus: Names can either characterize, deify or a mere label. Some names are just label to identify. Others are circumstantial names that characterize or describe people. But Jesus' name deifies. When we call on the name of Jesus something happens.

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. (Romans 14:11)

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