~Call me Tubbo~

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Hello! So I want to try and test the different POVs in this book or whatever so like 3rd perspective 1st perspective etc. Anyways! Enjoy this chapter! :D


???'S POV:

I breath in the cold, cool air, filling my lungs. Walking down the busy street towards the end of town. The noise turns muffled exiting the street, to another, smaller and quiet one. Walking farther and farther away from the busy street I reach a large, rustic, wooden house. Vines came growing across the walls and down to the door. Walking up to the door, I knock, my knuckles hid the cold wooden door.I stand for a moment before a short, annoyed looking woman, opened the door. She had short curly hair that touched the tips of her shoulders and there were dark bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days. "Hello.. your.." she spoke, her eyes piercing into my soul. "Phil, Some people call me Philza," I smile warmly at her, reaching out my hand. She takes it "Right, who did you want to see?" She blinked wait for an answer "Oh, uh.." I scramble in my pockets looking for a piece of paper, finding it, I look at the names. "Toby and Tommy?" She looks a little shocked and relived at the same time. "Okay, right this way" she held her hand instructing me to come in. She takes me up a flight of stairs to a room with mint green walls, with a messy, cozy looking bunk bed. Sitting on a beanbag is a short, brunette haired boy wearing a dark green shirt, darker then then the walls but not too dark looking down. Below him lays a blond, fluffy haired boy with a red and white t-shirt who appeared to be asleep, snoring lightly. The brunette above him looks relived playing with the other's hair. "Toby, someone is here to see you and Thomas" The lady said, seeming not to care about the sleeping boy. Toby, seemed to flinch at the name. As the lady left the room, Toby looked to me, smiling, though seeming a bit nervous. "Hello Toby, I'm Phil," I greeted him, making sure not to be too loud acknowledging the sleeping boy. "Uhm, H-ello! You already know me but this is Tommy, he's had a.. rough night so I would prefer he kept sleeping.." he looked down at the Tommy, then back to me, I nod, respecting his decision. "A-Also, do you think you could.. call be Tubbo..?" He looked nervous, looking down at the floor "That's perfectly fine! In that case, you can call me Philza if you'd prefer." He smiled a genuine smile, relived.

For about 30 minutes, he told me about himself. I found out about his parents, and how they were in a car crash. After a while I started to get curious about Tommy, the sleeping boy looked distressed. "What about Tommy? Tell me about him" he looked in thought for moment, furrowing his eyebrows. "He took the death harder than me, although I'm older than him, he's the older brother type. He always puts me first and.. don't tell him I said this but.. he has major trust issues, he had some even before the death but, he thinks he doesn't need anyone. Which is a total lie because I know he's stays up at night.. Trying to find a way to leave, find a job. he needs to understand that he can't always rely on himself.." I nod paying close attention to what the brunette says wanting to take in every last detail. "Ah! Sorry I'm ranting.." he starts but I quickly cut him off "Nono it's okay! Continue"  I smile waiting for him to go on, "Well, he's really stubborn, and funny. Once you get to know him he's really great." He seemed happy. I was about to answer but I noticed the blond haired boy started to stir, causing Tubbo to look down at him. "Tubbo..?" he said groggily, the brunette hummed "I- oh.." he looked over to me, anxiety filled his eyes. I smiled lightly, he seemed to whisper to Tubbo, standing up and walking out of the room. Tubbo sighed "I'm sorry, he doesn't like you very much right now.. He thinks your up to something." Tubbo glared into nothingness, I started laughing, "I see what you mean now" he starts giggling too. After a few minutes Tommy comes back into the room with a packet of cookies, sitting next to Tubbo on the floor. He seems not wanting to talk, so we continued our conversation. Tommy opened the packet of cookies and hand one to Tubbo. He smiled, taking some of the tasty treats. Tubbo and I went on about our lives while Tommy sat, thinking, well at least looking like it, though I could tell he was listening closely. I heard my phone ding, as I checked the time I realized I had been here for over 2 hours. Stretching, I got up "Well boys, it was nice to meet you! I hope to come again to see you if that's alright?" I said smiling, Tubbo smiled in return "Yes! We'd love that" Tubbo said excitedly, Tommy rolled his eyes but said nothing. We said our goodbye and opened the door to the cool, air.



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