The Error

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Chapter 6: The Error

"So how was last night?"

"What?" Hermione exclaimed, panicked.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "How was last night?" he repeated. "You know, with Malfoy and the potion."

"Oh," she said, exhaling. "It was – it was fine."

"It was 'fine'? What, did you and Malfoy discuss the weather?" Harry asked skeptically. "You look sort of . . . crazy."

"I do not," she snapped, slamming her book shut. "It was fine. Just a normal, unusual amount of fine."

Harry continued looking at her, though she actively avoided eye contact.

"Is there something bothering you?" he asked, venturing gently.

She sighed. "Sorry," she conceded. "Didn't mean to snap." She cocked her head, remembering. "Actually, something strange did happen."

Harry leaned in conspiratorially. "What happened?"

"You know, honestly, I'm not sure," she said thoughtfully. "He sort of passed out for a few minutes."

"Okay, wasn't expecting that," Harry said, shaking his head. "He just . . . passed out?"

"Yeah. One second he was sitting there, the next he was screaming on the floor."

"What was he screaming?"

"I couldn't really tell, honestly," she admitted. "I was startled and I just got up and ran to him. Maybe 'no' or 'stop'?"

"You 'got up and ran to him'?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow. "Were you overcome with concern for Malfoy all of a sudden?"

"For goodness' sake, Harry Potter," she snapped. "He was screaming. Forgive me for my natural human instinct."

"Fine. Did he tell you what happened?"

"No, but it did kind of remind me of what's been happening to you, with the visions."

"He reminded you of me?" Harry said, scoffing.

"No, I just – "

"You think there's a chance that Malfoy is also hiding a scar that's creating some kind of twisted connection between him and Voldemort – "

"That's enough, Harry," she said, irritated. Stupid boys, she muttered under her breath.

"I thought not," he said smugly. "Okay, so you think he had some sort of vision."

"Well," she said, pausing. "Maybe not. It seemed like more of a nightmare."

"Hmm," Harry said, pondering. "Clearly he's under some kind of stress."

"I asked him if he saw something, but then he just sat up and said something rude," she said, rolling her eyes. "Typical Malfoy behavior."

"The rudeness yeah, the passed out screaming, not so much," Harry corrected. "Malfoy usually just occupies his time showboating around being rich and egotistical."

"True," she said. "The first part, anyway. He has been a bit more serious as of late." She paused. "He is very intense."

Harry wrinkled his nose. "Gross, Hermione," he said, visibly disturbed. "Intense?"

She felt her cheeks flush, remembering the thoughts of him that had flooded her mind the night before.

"I just – I just meant that he is a bit less childish. Though," she added quickly, "he's definitely still a prick."

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