Falling (Connor x Reader)

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Trained for extreme stress and violent situations, programmed with analytical systems and the best parts that CyberLife could afford for a prototype of his make. When it came to the job, Connor should have been able to cope with anything. Put an end to any unsavoury situation or individual and detain any deviant he came across. He was supposed to be the best of the best.

So why, if this was true, did he seem to be failing so… miserably at the moment?

It wasn’t just now, he’d had it happen again and again. He would fumble with his hands, trip up over simple words, even blank out for moments. He had run every diagnostic, every check he could think of but still, there was nothing. Nothing wrong, according to all of these results- something he was sure had to be incorrect.

He didn’t understand, but he’d found a connection. Every time there was a stutter, a mess up, the one common denominator was his ‘co-worker’.

It was you.

You were like the others. A human. Working with Hank and him to discover a link between the Deviant crimes. But completely unbeknownst to you, and anyone else, you’d begun a whole other line of investigation inside his head.

“Hey!” Nearly jumping in his seat in fright, Connor turned his attention to your figure, sliding through the open car door where cold wind and snow was blowing in. Your hair had been windswept and tangled, snowflakes dotting all over your face and shoulders, refusing to move even as you shook your head laughing.

“Hello.” His voice came out stranger than normal, warbly like he was… nervous? Which he wasn’t. He couldn’t be. He was a machine. You flashed him a quick smile, placing a tray on the dashboard. A tray of coffees.

There were two.

Noting his quizzical look, you gave a sheepish look, pushing back your hair from your face. Had you bought him a… coffee?

“I uh… well, I forgot you don’t drink coffee. Or- anything, actually. I wanted to do something nice because you’ve been such a big help. But- I’m sorry, I only realized on my way back.” You seemed genuinely worried you’d upset him in some way, in full knowledge that he functionally couldn’t be angry or sad. He didn’t know what to think. He wasn’t supposed to think. Just know. And all he knew right now was that you’d gone out of your way to try to make him happy,

“I- Well, that’s certainly no problem. I understand.” The weak response came as he tried to subtly run another check of his systems. If his thirium pump was working like it said, why did it feel like his whole body was shutting down?

Why… why did he feel?

“You’re sure?” You asked, moving the cups to the cupholder, a look of hesitance on your face. Connor swallowed.

“I’m sure.” He said, feeling the most unsure he’d ever been in his short life. You gave him another smile, relieved this time as you started up the car.

“Okay. Well, it’s best we get going to the station, yeah?” Connor only answered with a nod, too caught up in his seemingly failing systems to answer. He couldn’t look away, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t move. All he could do was feel. Feel, so immensely, so overwhelmingly that it was falling down onto him, like warm rain, soaking him through and weighing down his clothes. Wonderful and troublesome all at once.

Was this… love?

Forcing his gaze into the road ahead, he bit his lip.

He would need to investigate more.

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