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Okay so I'm gonna try Tommy's POV so tell me what you think, constructive criticism is appreciated, enjoy!


Tommy's POV:

The past week has gone by like a flash, a blur I dare say. Now I'm in a car, watching my life of the city leave me towards the forest. I swear.. if we live in a small wooden box house... I see us go by a couple of houses each spread out in their own properties. I notice we start to slow down. We pull into the driveway of a decent sized house. trees growing around it almost like it's apart of the house. "We're here!" Philza said, taking me out of my thoughts. We all get out of the car as I carry my small amount of bags out of the car, offering to help Tubbo with his but he declines. We walk up to the door, Philza stumbling with his keys, opening the door letting us walk in. The first thing I notice is the burning smell, which, I don't seem to be the only one who notices that. "Oh sh*t.. Will did you burn the casserole?!" Philza said rushing out of the room, his green and white stripped hat flies off his head falling to the ground. Tubbo looks at me, "you give it to him" he gives me a reassuring smile, before I can say anything he starts again "Please, for me?" I sigh, knowing I won't get out of this. I loose my train of thought, hearing shouting from the kitchen. "It wasn't my fault! Blame Techno he left me unsupervised!" The so called Will said to Philza, who sighed "Wilbur.. your 24.. how do you mess up a pre made casserole.." Philza said as Tubbo was on  the verge of tears from laughing as I smile trying not to show it. We walk towards the 2 older men, noticing us, Wilbur smiled "Hello! You two must be Tommy and Tubbo right? Phil has talked a lot about you guys," Tubbo smiled shyly at Wilbur, "it's nice to meet you two, I'm Wilbur!" He introduced reaching his hand out, I backed away awkwardly, Wilbur looked to Phil and he muttered something to him. "That's alright! Everyone starts somewhere, you'll get used to here in no time, trust me" He told me, trying to reassure me as he shakes Tubbo's hand. Phil looks to me, "Oh Tommy, you got my hat, thanks bud!" I look away, embarrassed remembering the green and white hat in my hands. I hold it out for him to take, avoiding eye contact, I hear Wilbur chuckle and Tubbo trying to hold in his laughter, I glare at him.


After a 30 minute tour Philza let us get settled. I sit on the windowsill, watching the tap tap of the rain hitting the window. Tubbo is currently asleep, exhausted. I know how he feels, I am too. But I can't sleep, the stress keeps getting to me. I sigh, getting up heading down the stairs heading towards the kitchen. In there I see Philza who seemed to be cooking, humming to a tune. If I was being honest, the smell of food and his humming almost made me fall asleep. I sit down on a stool at the island. Noticing the shift, Phil turned to me, looking a little shocked, but smiling nonetheless.

Everyone's so smiley all of a sudden.. I can't even tell if they're fake or not anymore..

I thought. I stretch my arms, closing my eyes and resting my head on my hands, drifting off to his humming, content and happy..?


"Tommy, food is ready if you want some" someone said as I stirred, opening my eyes to see Philza, Wilbur and Tubbo, who is eagerly sitting waiting for food. I tilt my head on Tubbo's shoulder, "You tired?" He asked, patting my fluffy hair, "yeah." I yawn, sitting up, now more awake. "Thank you!" Tubbo said as Wilbur hands us two plates. I nodded, looking down at my plate not wanting to eat any of it. Although it smelt good, I couldn't eat it. Philza and Wilbur talk during this time. After supper, everyone went their separate ways. Phil seemed to notice my untouched food but ignored it. "Hey you two, before you go I wanna speak to you both" we both waited for Philza's response "So I just want to make it clear even though you are  probably super tired, go to bed before 2am, I'll always be available if you need anything. And help with breakfast would be appreciated in the morning" Tubbo and I both nodded before walking upstairs, "G'night Tubbo" I ruffle his hair before we go to our separate rooms.

It's around 3am, I haven't slept at all. I can't, I can't stop thinking, there's been so much going on. I don't know how anyone sleeps. That's when I heard the door, creaking open.
Someone's in the house..
I sit there for a minute, before deciding to go downstairs. I see that they went to the basement so I go to the kitchen to get a knife, feeling the cool handle in my hand as I head to the basement stairs. Going down I hear a whoosh of what seemed like an object moving quite quickly, I take a peek to see it's a tall guy with pink, long hair holding a fencing sword. I watch in amazement as he swings it through the air. He sighs "Your not very stealthy y'know. I noticed you were here and your were pretty loud" I look half shocked and half embarrassed "You fight?" He said looking down at the knife in my hand. "Uh- no.. I just thought you were an intruder.." He laughed, "You couldn't hurt me if you tried. Why are you up anyways?" He asked, I looked down at the ground, "Couldn't sleep huh? I understand that, your Tommy right?" Shocked I nod. He looks in thought for a minute, "Techno, Let's make a deal, I'll teach you how to fight, or fence. And you tell me about yourself." I think about his request for a moment. I don't open up very often though the skill would be useful to know. "Deal.."


"Keep your back straight, and have the tip of the sword pointing up." I struggle at his instructions doing what he says. He sighs, shaking his head, he mutters something under his breath but I don't hear it. All of a sudden I hear the stairs creak, signalling that someone was coming down. I squeak, dropping the sword and go to hide, by the couch. I don't know why I did this, maybe it was out of habit since.. yeah, and I also heard Techno curse under his breath as the sword fell. Hoping the person that came down wouldn't notice me, I curled in a ball. I heard muffled voices coming from the room beside where Techno was. It quiets down as the shifting of someone leaving to go upstairs, I flinch as someone taps me on the shoulder as I look over. "What happened to bed before 2?" He laughs, I realize it's Philza, looking back down. "I.. I couldn't sleep and I thought there was an intruder.." Phil seems to laugh at this, making me flush a light pink. "Why couldn't you sleep?" He says calming down, I look to the floor, feeling his eyes burning into my skin "I have a hard time sleeping.. from nightmares.. I know it seems kinda childish but I can't help it.." I sigh, too tired to think about sharing secrets. Phil scoots closer pulling me into a hug, I flinch, shivering at the contact. But don't break it, leaning into him, slowly drifting as he scratches my head, fluffing my soft hair. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." Is the last thing I hear, quickly drifting to sleep.


Yayyyyyyy Dadzaaa also Tommy is starting to go soft for Phil a bit? Or is he not >:) only the future will tell(also my super messy piece of paper that has the ideas and plots on it but that's besides the point) anyways byeee! Until probably tomorrow- because I've been working for a while :)

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