A Greek Demigod's Guide To Survival | Gryffindor1343

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Hi. I secretly got myself a Wattpad account. I can't risk going on here everyday, I don't need monsters on my tail. If my story arounds anything like yours, PLEASE stop reading. Throw this book away. Pretend you never read it. If you don't really recognize it, then go ahead. Continue reading. Please assume that this is all fantasy. But if you feel the SLIGHTEST bit of recognition, stop reading immediately.

Still here? Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

We await you, demigod.


YOUR COVER: (5/10) There are four things that everybody needs for their covers; that is essential to their story's success. The first one is obviously a title. The second is a nice photo to go with it. The third is the author's name, and the last one is creativity. Out of the four, it looks like you're missing your creativity and author's name on the cover. I suggest looking at other stories on Wattpad that have been getting a lot of traction. How do these authors lay out their titles? What font do they use, where do they place it, and what about the colors? I took off half points because you are missing half of what is needed. I suggest you play around with the photo. What filters can you add, and how can you lay out your title in a more interesting way? Where are you going to put the author's name?

YOUR TITLE: (9/10) I like that your title is clear, and it draws in the right audience for your book (readers that like Percy Jackson or Magnus Chase, etc). This isn't the first time I've seen a title like this, so I took off a point on originality. However, I feel that you did a wonderful job with finding the right title for your book. Well done!

YOUR BLURB: (3/5) I do like that your blurb is short and concise. However, this is eerily familiar to the introduction of Percy Jackson in the first book of the series. I understand that you gave credit to the author (Rick Riordan), but this is still your story. Even if it's fanfiction, you are writing with your voice, your style, and (partially) your ideas. What new way can you introduce your story? Along with that, it doesn't give away much of the actual content of your story. Your blurb should give your readers a clear idea of a who, what, and where. Along with that, from reading your first five chapters, it looks like the Wattpad app isn't involved in the story; meaning there's no mention of Thea actually using it. I suggest you get rid of the part where she had to get a Wattpad account in secret, because your readers will think that Thea using the app is somehow relevant to the story.

YOUR HOOK: (4/5) Your story starts off with names and feelings, which I think you did a great job at. For readers who have read Percy Jackson, they will have a clear idea of who, what, and where this story starts off with. And even for readers who have no idea who Rick Riordan is, this introduction won't be confusing to them. One thing I'd like to point out is that you have a parenthesis in the beginning of your paragraphs and at the end. I don't know if it's accidental or not, but it did throw me off. The parenthesis is not needed and should not be there. Along with that, you repeated some things more than necessary, such as the phrase: "It'll be okay." I get if your character is just repeating the phrase to reassure themselves, but you also added that Thea "smiled" and then said, "It'll be okay," just like how one paragraph earlier Adonis "smiled" and said, "It'll be okay." Try to not get repetitive with your vocabulary because it can throw readers off.

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