Chapter 8

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Well then- Sparrow🙈

Vixens POV



Something I had become accustomed to. I had dealt with it all my life, so it was expected of me to be able to handle one more death.

I had failed to meet those expectations. I had failed to keep my promise to my love. I had failed to keep my promise to my teacher. I had failed to keep my promise to my sister.

"I need you to take care of Harley," I failed. "Do you swear to protect your capo no matter what?" I failed. "Promise me that when you walk through those doors, it will be the both of you, promise me Vixen!" I failed.

It had been a year. 365 days without his hugs, kisses, laughs, cuddles. 12 months without my Jacob.

Somehow I had managed to keep the mafia from falling apart. I put all of my time and focus into managing the mafia, all the while managing the numerous amounts of casinos and hotels that were now in my possession. After his funeral, I was contacted by the family lawyer- Edward. He informed of Jacobs's decision to leave everything to me, except his money. The money would go to Harley.

Although I was grateful, I was not thankful of all this newfound stress. The stress at first was irritating, it annoyed me to no end. However, I was addicted to it. It became a drug- I was now restless without any work.

The side affects however were troublesome. I had become ruthless and cold. My name was now feared in the eyes of men. I had heard the rumors about me. They amused me- the imagination humans possessed had no limit. Despite all this, I never put a stop to the rumors.

I thrived off of them.

They had helped me in the mafia world. It was abnormal for a woman to be second in command, so you could imagine the surprise when I became the boss. Many had tried to oppress me and that was their biggest mistake. Men continue to underestimate the power a woman holds.

For that they would pay greatly.

Harley however was a different story. I hated myself for breaking my promise to Jacob. Yes I had kept her alive physically, but I know she is slowly dying emotionally. She would go out at night, god knows where, and return to the mansion in the morning. I knew where she would go considering the fact I had placed a tracker on her. Every night it was the same routine: a club where she would stay for hours, then to a random persons house.

Sometimes in her drunken or high state, she would call me and talk about how much she misses them. It was pure torture. Listening to someone you love deeply wishing death upon themselves, was cruel. I let her talk, knowing she wouldn't remember it the next day.

It seemed to be the only time I talked to her nowadays.


Drugs, horny teenagers, bull music, and alcohol—the only appealing thing in this club. The vodka was especially tempting right now.

Fucking alcoholic.

It was no secret that I constantly relied on vodka to momentarily help me forget. Jacob had always warned me about all the problems it would cause in the future.

Those problems didn't look too bad right now.

Focus Vixen!

Snapping out of my thoughts, I wandered throughout the club, searching for Harley. It had taken a good 3 minutes to find her. All the patience I had when I arrived was gone.

There she was topless, playing beer pong with strangers.

I swiftly took my jacket off and put it around her, and hauled our asses out of the disgusting place. I wanted nothing more than to get back to the mansion as soon as possible. I must have sinned really bad lately to piss off God, because the next thing I knew some dipshit was holding onto Harley's other arm.

"Let go now." Why must people test me? I looked back and saw Leonardo. The most arrogant piece of shit I have ever met. He had repeatedly interrupted many deals, and tested my patience. "Vixen," this bitch had the audacity to smirk at me.

Deciding it was better to ignore him, I pulled at Harley's arm. I should have known he wouldn't let go. I really did not have time for his bullshit today.

"Guys, I'm not a tug of war rope." I rolled my eyes at Harley, she was clearly high as a kite and drunk off her ass. "We're leaving." I made myself clear and left no room for any argument. Obviously Leonardo's dumbass could not understand that.

Harley wasn't helping either. I could see the lust fill both their eyes. Hell no If this was the type of man she was attracted to, we are most definitely going to have a talk tomorrow.

"Harley we need to leave." I started to get this uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Uh oh

That was never a good sign. My instincts were always right. Knowing this, I started to try to convince her to go with me. It wasn't going so well. I have no idea how we started arguing, but I could see her demeanor falter.


Reluctantly, Leo had let go of her arm. I chose to ignore the blatantly obvious way he slipped his number into the pocket of my jacket. "Call me," was all I heard before the gunshot.


The screams had overpowered the vibrations of the loud music. People were down on the ground fearing for their lives. I had pushed Harley to stand behind me and took out my gun. Deciding it was best to lay low for now, I crouched down pulling Harley with me. I looked back and noticed Leo pull Harley into his side in a protective manner.

"If you do as we say, no one gets hurt!" I looked towards the masked men that had their guns pointed everywhere. I could tell they were trained, but foolish. They had barged into a club, guns blazing, and did what any robber would do: said the most cliche line.

I would have missed the tattoo if it weren't for Leo. "Vixen, look at their necks," he had whispered it so low I barely heard it over all the commotion.


The Bratva!


Lol this needs major editing😭 but umm yea I wrote this at like 1 in the morning thats probably why💀

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