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Addison's POV

All my classes are finally done so I go home. I take a shower, eat lunch and watch Netflix

It almost 4 and the girls start arriving

Addison: Hey girls

Mads: No time for hi. Tell me what are you wearing

Avani: Makeup?

Dixie: Hair?

Addison: You guys seem more excited than me

I laugh

Addison: I havent picked out anything yet. I figured you guys would want to do that

The girls: Ok perfect!

--After 45 mins--

Outfit and hair:

Outfit and hair:

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I am all dressed up so I go to the mirror to look

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I am all dressed up so I go to the mirror to look

Addison: Uhh guys, dont you think its a little too much and the top is too revealing

Mads: Addi you look perfect!

Avani: Yes Addi

Dixie: And the top is not too revealing chill. You've got the body so rock it

Addison: Aww thank you guys

I hug them all

Avani: Bryce wont be able to keep his hands off you

She says and we laugh. After a few minutes, the door rings and I go downstairs to open it

Bryce's POV

I arrive at Addison's house and ring the door. She opens it and my god she looks hot

Bryce: You look so hot

Addison: Bryce..

Bryce: Uh oh I-Im sorry

I says looking down, real smooth Bryce

Addison: Its ok! Let me grab my purse and then we can go

Bryce: Ok

Addison's POV

We get in the car and he lets me play music

Addison: So where are we going

Bryce: You'll see

After a few minutes, Bryce stops the car in a hill. He gets out of the car and opens the door for me. I get out and... Omg the view is breathtaking!

Bryce: I know this isnt a lot but I love this place and come here because its so peaceful so I hope you like it

I go and hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back tightly

Addison: I love it!

Bryce: Thank god

He says and chuckles. He then grabs my hand and takes me to the back of the car and opens the trunk. He set up the inside with pillows, blankets, wine and some food

Addison: Aww Bryce, thank you so much

Bryce: My pleasure. Now come in

He says and we go inside the trunk. We sit there and eat and talk. The sun was about to set so I pulled him outside. We were standing beside eachother and he interwhined our fingers

Addison: The sunset is beautiful

Bryce: Hmm

And sun set and I looked at he. He looked at me and we stared deeply into eachother's eyes

Bryce: Your eyes are beautiful

I smiled. My heart was literally glowing. I leaning in and pressed my lips onto his. He smiled as well and kissed me back. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer while I cupped his face with my hands. I bit his lip which made moan slightly before pulling away. He hugged me again and we just enjoyed eachother's company in silence

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