Chapter One Hundred & Sixty-Six | THE END

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It didn't matter to Fahren that his husband could never figure out how and why he had such vivid dreams. Even as the years went by, Emilio never grew tired of hearing the vastly different tales from all varieties of lives he had lived. And the way in which they were told, with such clarity of the senses, made the couple smile on plenty of occasions.

The stories never ended with just Emilio, and were told to their son before he could even understand a single word. But his big blue eyes, a mirror image of Emilio's, looked up at him in wonder. And when he was old enough, he would repeatedly ask for his father to retell them in lieu of a bedtime story.

One question that Fahren was completely unable to answer was about the reoccurring bad-guy that followed the hero; as the innocent child continued to refer to him as. But no matter how hard Fahren tried, he couldn't make the connection. There was simply no one in his life as merciless as the individuals he shared worlds with in the past.

Eventually, after a long life filled with only the best of people around him, in a world that had drastically changed for the better following the implementation of technology only believed possible in science-fiction novels, Fahren's final test came to an end.

Just like all the other times where he had lived a fulfilling life and no longer possessed any regrets, Fahren was able to journey onwards without any anxieties holding him back. But after all that time, where he had practically been gifted hundreds of years to spend with all sorts of personalities who effectively possessed the same souls, Fahren didn't expect to be greeted by the same white room as before.

Unlike in the past, where he first sat in the white room having lost all sense of physical identity, that was no longer the case.

He looked down at his hands, turning them over and clenching. Smiling bitterly as he remembered the youth of his physique. One of the many benefits of having a husband who was a health fanatic was always going to be the ability to age gracefully. So the concept of ageing bore no grudge on his mind, especially since his lover committed to looking at him the same way he did the day they got married.

"Have you figured it out?"

A deep voice caught Fahren by surprise and shocked him out of his deep thoughts. But more thoughts swiftly filtered through when he realised that on any previous occasion where he came into contact with 'System' or their 'Boss', their gender was always ambiguous. Handsome and beautiful at the same time, with a voice gentle and deep intertwined.

However, the voice just then was undeniably masculine.

Turning his head, Fahren met the pair of eyes he hadn't seen in an entire lifetime. But the face in which he possessed was one he hadn't seen for a lot longer. It had him instinctively stepping backwards, the trepidation that always came when dealing with the old Xe Leader resurfacing with a vengeance.

"Xe Rong." The name sounded so strange leaving his lips. A name he hadn't spoken out loud in hundreds of years, not even when retelling the stories of his past lives.

One should learn from the actions of bad men, but there was something about forgetting their name which proved to be a blessing in itself.

Xe Leader looked just as he did when he stood in his prime. He wore regal robes, which Fahren knew from experiencing them himself weighed a ton, and yet the man had no issue standing tall. His long hair fell down his sides, a far cry from the state it was in when he was imprisoned. But there was something missing. Something Fahren couldn't grasp.

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