It's Official

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It was late afternoon and I had spent my whole morning laying in bed with Conor talking about lots of things. I have totally fallen for this boy. Everything about Conor was perfect. The way he dressed, the way he wore his snap back perfectly on his head, the way he protected me- my list is endless. I don't see him as the famous Conor Maynard I see him as a normal boy. I picked up my phone and went on  to twitter. "Wow my followers have increased so much" I showed Conor. "That's amazing" Conor told me. It wasn't so amazing that I got hate off some of the Mayniacs, however I get loads of really cute messages from people telling me how lucky I am. I realise I am lucky to meet this perfect boy. Tonight was the night of Conor's mini concert and I was looking forward to it. "Are you excited for tonight Con?" I asked. "It's going to be cray, I will also be giving the crowd a bit of a surprise" He said. "Surprise??" I questioned. "Yeah" He said smiling. "Hmmm I wonder what kind of surprise". I said raising my eyebrows. "Wow Jess, dirty minded much" He laughed pulling me in close to him. I looked his bright blue eyes. "I love you Con." I told him. "I love you too" He said putting his arm around me then leaning in kissing my neck. "WASSAPPPPP" Jack shouted bursting into the room. "Oh hello" He said awkwardly. Me and Conor sat up laughing. "Yo jackypop" I said joking about. "Don't call me that" He said putting his hand over his face. ''I'm going out to see Amy tonight and I won't be back till tomorrow, but the guys are staying here, have fun at your concert bro" Jack said to Conor. "I will, it's going to be amazing! Have fun with Amy" Conor said winking at Jack. I laughed at them and then Jack walked out to get ready.

2 Hours Later.

I was ready for the concert. I wore a tight short cream strapless dress with black heels, and Conor put on red chinos, a white top and a green snap back. He looked gorgeous. We walked out of the door saying goodbye to the boys and got into a posh black car that took us to the concert venue. We drove past the front looking at the massive queue of crazy fans waiting to go in to there seats, they couldn't see Conor was here yet as the car had tinted windows. We went in round the back and Conor ran off to have a practice through. This brang back memories of when Conor first spoke to me, at his tour. When he turned me around and asked me for my number. Seems like only yesterday. 

 Conor's POV

I warmed up my voice practicing a few moves on stage then going backstage to talk to a few mates who came along to watch. I introduced them to Jess and we all talked until it was my time to go on stage. "Good luck baby!" Jess said hugging me tight. "I better not fall off stage" I said laughing walking off to get ready. "3,2,1" I shouted then running on stage bursting out with Can't Say No. The whole crowd was screaming. I love my fans! I sang all of the songs on contrast. The crowd loved it. "Right guys, you have been amazing but I'm not going just yet. You will love me whatever right?" I shouted. "WE LOVE YOU CONOR" The crowd shouted back. "So, you'll stick by me whatever happens?" I asked back. "YEAHHH" The crowd shouted. "That's what I wanted to hear" I said walking to get Jess from backstage. I pulled her onto the stage walking to the middle. "What are you doing Conor?" She said whispering into my ear. "So as you all know, this is Jess I know some people have been sending her hate on twitter but I know that if you knew her you would instantly love her. I know you Mayniacs want me to be happy so..." I said to the crowd then turning to Jess. "Jess will you be my girlfriend?" I said to her nervously. The crowd cheered which made me smile. I knew my Mayniacs would be supportive. I looked at Jess and her eyes filled with tears. "Yes Conor" She said and hugged me. The crowd cheered again chanting "CONOR AND JESS, CONOR AND JESS!."

Jess's POV

I can't believe Conor just did that on stage... in front of everybody! He was so brave! I walked off stage with the biggest smile on my face. "I love you Con" I said hugging him again. "Was you shocked?" He said smiling. "Yes, that was the most cutest thing somebody has ever done for me!" I told him. This by far has been the best night ever!

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