Lilian Dalarosa

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I like to think that there are 3 types of people when it comes to working.

1. Snakes. The ones who don't care about the method.

These people will always have amazing results. It doesn't matter what are they using, the results are good. Maybe if the method is a bit of cruel, they simply don't care. If the results is good, then fine. Imagine WICKED, a perfect example of the snakes. Yeah, murdering people for the greatly good, is not perfect, but at the very end, they had the cure. Or if you're familiar to the Harry Potter universe, you know that Grindewald was also a snake. He killed people for stuff that he thought was good. Or Teresa, she didn't like watching Minho suffering, but she knew that otherwise, there wouldn't be a cure.

2. Admetes. The ones who like to work fast and simple.

I call them Admetes, because, if you read a little bit of Greek mythology, you know that Admete was the daughter of Eurystheus. She wanted to have the Hippolyte's weapon (Hippolyte was the queen of the amazons), she didn't do a lot for it to have it. She simply asks her father if Heracles can go and get it for her. He did and soon, she had the weapon. Why Admetes, you may ask. Well, it isn't because they are lazy or spoiled, they just do what's the fastest and the simplest. They care about the results, but not really much. You know, like my brother, studying for a good grade, he studies, of course, but if he knows he is going to get a seven, he stops studying. He has a point though, why make everything perfect, if it works, its fine.

3. Machines. They will work their asses of to get it perfectly done.

Yeah, it takes them a lot of time to do something. Yeah, they don't make everything cheap. Yeah, they aren't the best when it comes to quantity. The method seems a little bit of weird. But...the results will be spectacular. And when I mean spectacular, I mean shucking spectacular. They will work so much that they will have black holes under their eyes. They will do it so perfect, that you can't even speak about them bad. Only maybe it will cost them a lot of time. They're not snakes though. They will find different ways to do something, even if it will cost them a million dollars and a million of hours.

Lilian Dalarosa was a machine. She was the most machinest machine you could ever imagine.

But who is Lilian exactly?

Lilian Dalarosa had long, black, silky hair. She had black and very thick eyebrows and long eyelashes. Under her eyelashes she had light green eyes that always had that mysterious look. She had a thin, but a long nose and small lips. Her skin was a little bit of tanned and swarthy, and covered with so much freckles, you can't even imagine.

Lilian isn't blind, she is fully aware of how she looks, although, she doesn't know her ethnicity. Lilian assumes she is mixed. Maybe Arabic or from Israel? I doesn't matter, Lilian is a goddamn leader and she knows that.

Lilian was found by Jorge in a bin, he also found two other girls, who Lilian remembered. Brenda and Olivia. Brenda always had a buzz cut and a really beautiful face. She was spontaneous and loyal. Olivia was different, but not any less of a friend to Lilian. Olivia had short red her and blue-icy eyes. Like Brenda, she was loyal and brave. Lilian remembered Olivia's clumsiness. She was loud and would always break everything. But at the age of nine, Lilian was taken by WICKED. Not like they knew about her, Lilian was on a mission with Kiril (her old, now dead, friend). Kiril was twenty-four and they had just discovered a lake in the mountains. That was pretty rare, considering the fact that the whole earth was burned. They wanted to take a look at the lake and see if it was drinkable. On their mission they were caught by WICKED. Kiril was killed in front of Lilian's eyes. She saw the knife hit his chest, she saw him falling and she saw him dying. Lilian was taken by WICKED and Kiril's body was left there. Brenda and Olivia probably thought that she was dead. She didn't knew. She was only left with sadness filling her body and PTSD.

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