You like her

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Darkness. Severe cold. Small sparks that danced through the air while the men made music and sang. Robert saw it in his men. It was so different from what he knew. Was it a different kind of person or was he just imagining it?

But then there was this new regiment. He still had to go to the other superiors. To eat with them. But his sister and her colonel stayed with their team and it was as if they had an intimate bond.

They really were comrades. Not just soldiers and superiors.

Maybe it was his way too. The Shaw family has usually always been good with others. His father was sociable. His children too. But he felt this to be a weakness. So he behaved harshly towards others. As he passed he stopped at Major Forbes. This leaned against the corner wall. The cigar in the corner of your mouth. But then saluted: "Cononel." Robert did the same and looked at his sister, who was laughing and dancing with a mug in hand by the campfire.

"It's strange," he started. "What?" "To see a woman as a soldier. She has your rank inside. Major. And then to see her that way. How she does it?" asked he.

"Well. She treats them as human beings. As a unit. She knows that she can't do it alone. Mulcahy also taught her. Hard but fair. Towards everyone. That creates respect. Mainly because she can keep up. She was already able to do that as kid." his friend answered and had to smile. In fact, she always went along with it. Of course, she could never get 100% what a man could, but she was so close.

"You should go," the Colonel said suddenly.Cabot looked to the ground as his feelings was chought.
"I know you liked her back then. What did I tell you then?"
"That I have to earn her love."
Robert nodded and put a hand on the shoulder of his friend. "You haven't tried a single time. Why not?" There would be nothing better for Robert to have his longest friend as brother-in-law. "Your mother is killing me. Imagine that the drunken useless person who doesn't even trust himself to lead a regiment should care about her daughter." Robert let go of him and stepped past. "Well, I don't think you will be the drunk one today." Robert grinned and nodded to his sister, who was just filling the cup again. "Merry Christmas Cabot."

Glory - a Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora