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"RODRIGO! I HATE YOU! OH GOD, I FUCKING HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Leni screamed out. She forgotten that pain that came with this gift.

"GOD, I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" She screamed as tears started to stream down on her face. Rodrigo wipe them with a towel as he muttered his apologies for her pain. Yet, deep inside him he was jumping because of excitement, but he knew if he showed his excitemed it would only triggered Leni.

"Miss Leni.."

"It's Mrs!" Leni sneered at the nurse. Anything could really shoot her off. The tone of her voice visibly shook the nurse.

"Mrs. Duterte, I need you to stay calm please. If you keep stressing yourself out, it wouldn't be good for the baby. Take a deep breathe. Inhale, Exhale." A new nurse popped out of nowhere helping the scared nurse. The new nurse is old and have a motherly figure on her. She demonstrated calming breathes to Leni.

"I need pills. I need drugs! please! it hurts so much, I can't take it anymore!" Leni begged, her tears flowing like a river that's flooding. It were nonstop. Very few many got to see a distraught Leni. She is always the picture od strength, but for now she has no strength to give.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Duterte. We can't give you any drugs right now, it's too late." The nurse explained earning a deadly glare from Leni. The nurse got scared but continued speaking.

"We're to help you. You can do it. Just breathe."

"You're doing great, Leni!" The nurse praised her as Leni's heart rate began to drop. All was well, but then suddenly another contraction hit Leni, much faster than the last.  The nurse help here Rodrigo joined in on the breathing coaching.

"It'll past, My Love. You can do it. Just like the last one." He spoke into her ear. Calming her with his presence so near. She turned to look at him in the eyes, his eyes held so much love and care that it warmed her heart. He leaned down and pressed a gentle and soft kiss on her lips assuring that he's there for her.

"I don't think I can do it! I can't! It hurts!" Leni cried grabbing Rodrigo's his hand hardly. He shushed her and whispers assuring things on her ear. He knows she can do it. The love of his life, his muse, his other half was anything but weak. She could handle the world on her shoulders and the some. She proved that much over the years she's been out.

"PÚTANGINA! FÚCK!" Leni screamed as the new contraction hit her. The nurses rushed around the room, preparing all the things that is needed. He knew it was almost time.

"That's a big one. It's almost time." Leni whispered.


Meanwhile, Trisha and Veronica sat outside with Sally and Risa. They all hear the ruckus in the room. They all sat there, nervouse and worried for Leni. No one dares to speak.

"Leni's gonna make it. Your mom is strong. My daughter is strong." Sally stated earning a smile from the three girls.


The sudden scream startled them. Trish and Veronica could practically hear the pain there mom was in. Seconds later the door opened. Several nursed rushed in and out on the room, bringing things and out in the room.

Trish and Veronica saw their father all dressed in the hospital attire holding their crying mom's hand. Rodrigo looked up to see his daughter's glaces. Giving them a soft smile as they give him thumbs up and mouthed, "You got this."

The door shut after that. Sally hugged her two granddaughters as she give Risa a soft smile. After a minute or so they hear their mom's screams again, but now with full force. They glanced at each other, and know that it's time.


"GET OUT! I HATE YOU!" They hear their mom screamed at their father. They can't help but to laugh because they all know that it was a lie. She used to but now they couldn't be better.

"H-hey. Where are you going? Come back Digong." Their mother now cried out. Everyone was laughing their asses of outside. They could finally hear the doctor told their mom to push. It was followed by a few screams then another push commands with more screams. A few more push commands and screams, later the high pitch cry of a baby rung through the room.

That baby had a set lungs on it. Relief washed over the group who sat patiently waiting for the visitation to start.


Rodrigo gazed lovingly at Leni wiping the sweats and tears on her face. She layed there exhausted as they placed the baby on her chest. Rodrigo cut the cord and the Doctor and Nurses congratulates him. The two lovers looks at each other. They we're thinking the both same thing.

Rodrigo kissed Leni's forehed before looking at her eyes. "Mahal na mahal kita, sobra."

Leni smiled drowsily. "Ditto, Mahal."

hope y'all liked it

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hope y'all liked it. this is only the prologue, this is just the beginning. any thoughts? feel free to comment! i'm so excited for this story, please support it ❤️

also, kindly follow me on twitter: @lenirobredofp and ofc kindly follow me also here in wattpad! thanks!

- dubredofp

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