Unsavory Business

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Lezzz goooo

I stand in the cargo hold of the ship that belongs to my current partners. Also known as the Midnight Gambit. For this mission I'm going to be acting as the muscle.

Alice: So what're we delivering?

I tighten some straps before shrugging.

Y/N: It's best if we didn't know.

I hear the sounds of footsteps coming towards us. I turn around and see Diego walking towards us.

Diego: Thanks for the help, the buyers aren't exactly trustworthy.

Y/N: Who are they.

Diego: Well that would be a group called the Crimson Dawn.

I feel a chill run down my spine. Crimson Dawn is a ruthless crime syndicate that rose to prominence during the era of the Galactic Empire.

Wherever they go they leave bodies piled and women and children without tongues.

Y/N: Your working with the Crimson Dawn?!

Diego: Well yeah, pays good and they're not hard to keep happy.

I look over at Alice. There's no way in hell I can let her be near those people.

Y/N: Then why am I here.

Diego: Weeeelll I wasn't exactly able to get everything I needed, aaaand I already have two strikes.

I remember there being rumors that from the shadows a red and black skinned dathomirian that wielded a double sided blade of red.

Y/N: Why am I not surprised.

He puts one hand on my shoulder.

Diego: Hunter, hunter listen. These things have a way of working out.

I grab his hand and pull it off of me.

Y/N: If I have to hide from the Crimson Dawn then I'm making sure they find you before they find me.

There's no way I can expect to just hide from these guys. Their hands reach everywhere in the galaxy.

Diego: Eh I'm sure things will play out just fine.




It didn't go fine. The second we landed we were surrounded by mercenaries. And now we're all locked up on the planet Vandor in the mid rim.

I was stripped of my armor except for my helmet. At least they were kind enough respect my religion.

Diego and I are in one cell together. Alice and Faye are across from us.

Diego: Well this isn't good.

I glare at him from behind my visor.

Y/N: You don't say.

I look over at the opposite cell and study Alice. She seems nervous and uncertain of what's next to come.

A guard comes walking by the cells and stops in front of the girls cell.

Guard: So this is the bounty I've heard about.

He then turns to me.

Guard: And you must be the Mandalorian that freed her. The boss wants to see you four.

He's joined by other guards. Each wielding a metallic staff. They open the cells and slap cuffs onto our wrists.

Diego: Is this really necessary?

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