xiao ❧ adoption

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"you are, quite literally, the personification of an angry feral cat"

xiao x readerfluff ❧ you try to convince xiao about adopting a kitten

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xiao x reader
fluff you try to convince xiao about
adopting a kitten

(xiao route for college au | sequel to roommates)


"For the last time, no— we are not adopting that thing."

You pouted, lifting the small grey kitten up and nuzzling with it. "But she's so cute!"

Xiao frowned, crossing his arms. "We barely have room in our apartment for the four of us—We don't need any more living creatures that can cause chaos."

The kitten mewled, whining quietly as it licked its paws. You gently cooed, scratching the kitten's ears. "Tofu is a good girl! She won't cause any trouble I'm sure."

Xiao's amber eyes landed on the kitten, glaring at it in hopes of smiting it with his vision. "No— we are not getting Tofu."

"But Xiao! It's not fair that Childe and Zhongli got a goldfish! We can get a pet on our side of the apartment!" He sighed, glancing away from you. The man didn't want to be charmed by you any further because he simply couldn't resist you.

"Why cats? You know I'm slightly allergic to them." You rolled your eyes. "First of all, your hands shaking is not a symptom of allergies and two, YOU'RE NOT ALLERGIC TO THEM."

He was trying to find an excuse for you to not get this cat.

"Okay fine— I'm not allergic. Still— we're not getting that cat." You whined before Tofu meowed again, garnering your attention immediately which caused an irk mark to appear on Xiao's face.

"It's okay Today, I'm sure Xiao will warm up to you immediately." You didn't notice the said male was pouting behind you as all of your attention was on the kitten.

Xiao secretly wanted the cat but he was just being a jackass because the stupid cat got far more attention than he did.

He sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair. "Fine, we'll get the cat." You spun around in shock, eyes widened. "Wait? Really?!"

Xiao was slightly taken aback, glancing away and muttering a quiet 'yes really' before you flung your arms around him. A very bright blush appeared on his face as he tried to pry away from your hug.


Poor Xiao was so red after hearing those words, he was on the verge of just dying from embarrassment. A quiet meow from Tofu however grabbed your attention immediately. You turned around and gently picked tofu up, apologizing for not giving her any attention.

Xiao, on the other hand, was stuttering, coughing, beyond red from you hugging him and declaring your love for the green-haired boy as he signed the documents needed to adopt the small grey kitten.

When the two of you arrived home, you immediately went to the shared bedroom between you and Xiao.

Xiao carried into the house the numerous amount of cat toys, food, care items and play houses you have purchased for this one singular creature.

He set the things down, eyeing you as you playfully showed Tofu the home to which the cat quickly made the beanbag in the corner of the room it's new home.

"Oi— it's on my beanbag." Xiao snapped, glaring at the cat who seemingly glared back. you rolled your eyes at him. "Tofu is 'it's' name and the two of you can share it."

Xiao growled, "I'm not sharing it with Tofu." You sighed, "I don't get why the two of you can't get along." You said as you sank into the beanbag.

Tofu suddenly moved, making her way to your arms and snuggling into your warmth which caused another irk mark to appear on Xiao's face.

"I refuse to get along with that thing." You chuckled, glancing up to notice the boy was quite irritated. "Jealous, much?"

"Very much so," he growled, scooting beside you on the beanbag and laying his head on your shoulder. You reached over to gently pet his hair which caused him to snarl at you.

"I'm not a cat."

"You are, quite literally, the personification of an angry feral cat."

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