Chapter 25: Detonation

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3rd Person POV

You jumped over one of the market stalls, spinning before landing on the dusty ground as you waited for Sam to give directions to the fleeing enemies.

"Some time today, big bird." You taunted, looking at the crowds of civilians who ran past. The area was highly populated and not somewhere you wanted casualties to happen. You'd finish them quickly before they could cause any harm.

"Four of them splitting up." Sam answered.

"I got the two on the left." Natasha chimed in as she began giving chase on foot.

"Who's left?" You raised an eyebrow. It was more of a rhetorical question as you went after the other two who you assumed were on the right. "Location?"

"50 yards east." Sam stated, scanning them again to make sure. With a quick blink into the air, your eyes found the men you were after. Two of them in black clothing, running along the outside of the market. You descended down the ground behind them by just a few yards, springing forward and slamming your claws through the first one's shoulders, eliciting a yell of pain. The second man turned around to be greeted by his partner as you threw the first guy at him. The two collided and you followed up by grabbing one of your guns and slamming it into the second guy's skull, knocking him out. You efficiently picked his pockets and looked for the bio weapon, but came up empty.

"Isn't here. I'm empty, guys." You gritted your teeth.

"I'm on the other two." Natasha stated as she came from behind the final two mercenaries. She dove forward and grappled the nearest man, dragging him down to the floor before beginning a fist fight as he went for his gun. She grabbed his gun wielding arm and kept it away from her before unloading punches. Then the second guy joined the fight, eliciting Nat to throw a basket at him and proceed to beat his ass down like the first. She ended up fighting the both of them at the same time, leading to her taking one of their guns and being paused in a Mexican stand off with the other gunman.

"Drop it." The first man said as he held up the bio weapon in his hand. "Or I'll drop this." Natasha still held her gun high, and her eyes didn't move off of the one she was aiming at. "Drop it!"

"He'll do it!" The second man chimed in. There was a short pause until a blur of movement slammed into the bio weapon holder, knocking him back and unconscious as Pietro grabbed the falling item. The second man looked back at his partner, giving Natasha the opportunity to shoot him. The man fell down with a thud as Natasha took deep breaths and looked at Pietro.

"Took you long enough." She mumbled.

"How about a thank you?" Pietro narrowed his eyes.

You sprinted across the sand as fast as you could. Weaving through market stalls and people as you made your way to Steve. The bioweapon was secure, leaving just Rumlow left. Bounding around a corner you found the captain stood just a few inches from Rumlow who was on his knees.

"Huh, you did it, Steve." You said quietly, slowly approaching the two from a distance. Then a feeling began to overwhelm you. A sense of danger. Then your eyes settled on a small detonator in Rumlow's hand. "Steve move!" You raised a hand as the explosion began to ring out. You just barely caught the explosion and contained it ever so slightly, but your powers weren't nearly as effective like this as they were for other things. And your grip began to slip quickly. Damn it. I can't keep this up. You thought. True to your word, your grip slipped and the blue energy that had been surrounding Rumlow disappeared instantly. You expected the explosion to instantly go off after that, but it didn't. Then you saw the red magic that had taken your spot at holding the explosion together. Glancing to your right you could see Wanda struggling like you were, leading to her throwing Rumlow upwards and losing her grip too. The explosion finally detonated, hitting the side of a nearby building and setting it ablaze. Everyone's eyes shot open wide as they watched the damaged building begin to burn.

"Sam, we need search and rescue... on the south side of the building." Steve panted in shock, not taking his eyes off the scene. Wanda clasped a hand over her mouth as she watched, almost unmoving. And you stared with gritted teeth. You weren't upset with Wanda, but you were absolutely livid about the fact that Rumlow had such little honour that he would kill himself like that. And now you didn't know what to do. Not the slightest clue of what to do.


Quite some time had passed since we were in Lagos. Now we were back at the compound and I was still distressed about the events that had taken place. If only I'd got their sooner, I could've at least stopped Rumlow before he had the chance to blow himself up. Or if had trained my powers to mimic Wanda's more...

"God damn it!" I punched my bed, the springs bouncing and pushing my hand away. I let out a breath through my nose before grabbing the tv remote and switching it on.

"The thing is: these casualties are going to continue and continue to happen. The Avengers say that they save lives, but in reality they're just turning a blind eye to the deaths that are happening all around them." The voice narrated over the attack that had happened in Lagos. Now I just had more of a reason to want to break something. They were wrong. We didn't do that. At least I don't think we do... "If you ask me, enhanced beings like Wanda Maximoff and The Cosmo Wolf, had absolutely no legal authority to have been operating in Nigel." After that one I simply switched the tv off before I decided to throw the remote at it.

"Fuck off." I said under my breath, clenching my fists in irritation.

"Wanda Maximoff and The Cosmo Wolf had absolutely no legal authority to have been operating in Nigel." The commentator said again but from behind my wall. I raised an eyebrow as I looked over my shoulder before standing up and walking out my door. The sound of the news was louder now that I was out of my door, proceeding to walk just a few meters down the hall and to Wanda's door as I assumed she was watching the same thing. Once I stopped in the doorway, I could see her sat cross legged on her bed, her mouth resting on her fist with her eyes glued to the screen of Lagos. I opened my palm and summoned her tv remote to my hand, switching hers off just like the one in my room. Wanda didn't even turn to me. She just looked down at her floor.

"It's my fault." She said quietly. She had clearly been beating herself up about the whole thing, and I could tell even before now.

"Actually the news blames both of us." I joked, stepping inside the room. "It's not your fault. There wasn't anything you could do."

"I could've thrown the ticking time bomb away from the building." Wanda turned to me with a look of gloom reflecting from her eyes. I sighed and walked over, seating myself next to her on the bed.

"I was the first one who could've done something about it. I could've teleported Rumlow away, but just like you, I didn't think of it during the stress. Don't beat yourself up over it." I placed a hand on her back reassuringly. "I'm sure your brother would agree."

"Would he? His sister just killed innocent people because she was too stupid to think befor-" Wanda began a small little rant before I cut her off with a hug. Wrapping my arms around her and placing my head on her right shoulder.

"Rumlow killed innocent people." I corrected, lightly caressing her back. "And you're not stupid. Not to anyone on the team. Not to me." I felt her arms slowly reach around my back as she accepted the comfort.

"Thank you..." She said almost silently. I couldn't help but smile. Though, it was odd to me that cheering her up had also cheered me up. A weird coincidence, I suppose. The sound of something materialising caught both our ears, and slowly retracting from Wanda I could see Vision as he exited the wall. "Vis! We talked about this."

"Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that..." Vision paused as he thought for a second. "Captain Rogers has asked for everyone's attendance as Mr. Stark is arriving." My ears perked as I heard the last part.


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