Hi-Fail (Connor x Reader)

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Connor was a state of the art CyberLife creation. Smarter than any human, deadlier than anyone or anything you’d encountered. He had reflexes so quick that you’d often miss his movements in fights, and an ability to improvise that matched even the best operatives on the field. Connor was, for lack of words, an efficient and dangerous killing machine.

So why, for the love of god, had he been programmed with such an awkward understanding of human interaction?

You tell what you think is a pretty funny joke and crack up into laughter, only for him to sit and stare at you blank faced. You sling an arm around his shoulders for a half-hug goodbye, and he freezes on the spot like he has a gun pointed to his head.

You walk out of work with a cheer and let your shoulders drop, opening your arms to a day free of work and raising a hand to hi-five him for a successfully finished case.

And he stares.

And stares.

And looks utterly confused.

“You gonna leave me hanging?” You ask, waving your raised hand a little as he stares at it, clearly pulling up blanks.

“I don’t think I understand.” He tells you, and you feel your stomach drop into your gut. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see people staring at your still raised hand, and with heat starting to flood your cheeks and neck, you lowered it just a tad.

“Do you- Do you not know how to hi-five?” You ask lowly, watching as Connors’ eyes flickered for a moment. You assumed he was going through his memory banks or some special android Google. It was only a second or two before his eyes focused on your face once more, a hand going to adjust his tie.

“Of course I do.” He says in the least convincing voice you’ve ever heard. Indignant, and a bit embarrassed as you wave your hand a little, giving him a shrug.

“Okay,” You say, drawing out the ‘a’ as you tried your hardest not to smile at his awkwardness. You don’t relent, moving your open palm closer. “Then give me a hi-five.”

Connor is silent, and you can see the confliction on his face. Most people seemed to have luckily stopped staring, but that didn’t make the situation any less stilted as his hand raised up, lighting a spark of hope in your chest.

You nearly thought he knew what he was doing, and steadied yourself. You’d seen the force he’s put into simple movements and were preparing what was likely going to be a painful, plastic hi-five.

At least, until he pressed his palm and fingers against yours in a vulcan-esque hand hug, staring. Just. Staring.

“There.” He says, with a sureness in his voice that nearly sends you to heaving laughter. He was so positive that this was what you meant, that this was an actual thing human people did. Were it any other friend you’d be screaming, cackling and teasing them endlessly, but you couldn’t with Connor. He was too endearing. Especially with that cute expression on his face.

“Yep,” You say with a nod, voice strained with how hard you’re trying not to laugh in his face. He’s very lucky Hank isn’t here. All he would have had to of done was make eye contact with you and you would be a goner. A breathless, sobbing mess on the ground.

“Perfect. Got it in one.” You take a deep breath, and Connor tilts his head. God dammit why had he not let go yet? You weren’t exactly complaining but-

“Your voice sounds strained. Are you alright?” He asks, still keeping his hand pressed to yours. Your lips purse and you shake your head, tears beginning to form in your eyes. He’s so cute, and you want to tell him that. You’re not sure he’d appreciate it, what with him being an adult man with a serious and intense job but- God, you can’t put it any other way. All his quirks and his tricks- he’s so cute.

“I’m fine. I’ve never been so- I’m-” You attempt to put it into words but simply cannot. It’s beyond you now. It’s too much. You’re shaking your head.

“Let’s go talk to Hank.” You say, pulling your hand from his. Some part of you missed the cool feeling of his artificial skin, but you know it’s for the better. Any longer and you would have snapped, and possibly said something you’d regret.

“About the case?” He asks, starting to walk as you move into a small sprint. Trying to keep up with his long strides after such an ordeal was difficult.

“Just- About so many things Connor.” You tell him, raising a hand to wipe your eyes.

“So many things.”

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