Chapter 3

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Three days after the events of submarine with Bloodsport the city was quiet, no so many trouble in National that Supergirl couldn't handle. This days Kara had been better as she will hangout more with her friends and sister. Alex was happy to see that Kara was getting better after all the grief time she went alone, although she was still serious about it, Barry's topic was still sensitive. So Alex was careful in her words when they talked about something that was relative to him.

Right now Kara was on the DEO with everyone there in the command center was they were looking at an alert they received about an bank being robbed but the case was that everyone was knocked down almost at the same time. The thief enter the bank and easily stole all the money without anyone trying to stopped it.

Then Winn using her skills on his computer show them that the criminal was a woman, as they saw the video that was recorder by the cameras of the bank, Alex and J'onn stared to discussed is this woman was alien or not.

"So any ideas if she's an alien, cause she didn't touch the people in the bank and all of them literally dropped to the floor screaming" Winn said after watching the security videos of the bank.

"I doubt it, she is indeed human but what is shows, is that the woman posses powers. So she is still dangerous" J'onn said with his typical seriousness looking now at the Kara.

"There's another way to called them, or have you forgot. She is human or in other words, metahuman" Kara said without emotion and now everyone looked at her nodding as they remember how Barry told them about normal people having powers and they could called them metahumans like in his old home Earth 1.

Also they looked concerned as Kara was again acting cold with everyone, so the concerned returned in everyone, they knew that the word metahuman was very related to Barry so maybe they thought that it was the reason of her being like that again.

"Wow, a silent alarm has been activated in another bank, in 25 and Cedar" Winn said looking at his tablet and inmediately tracking down the alarm, this alert everyone at the DEO.

"Well, let's go and see our new 'friend'" Kara replied all serious and then speeding out of the DEO leaving Alex looking at the rest of the team with worried on her face for her sister.

At the bank the woman was easily taking her time by grabing all the money and putting them on a big bag, she had no rush and she knew that Supergirl was coming so, she kind off wanted to confront her. Seconds later Supergirl arrives making all the papers and dollar bills fly away, the woman didn't even turned around as she just continue to grab the money.

"I got you trapped" Kara said firmirly trying to intimidate her, but she saw that the woman didn't seem scared or worried for her presence and continued to grab more money.

"Are you sure?" the woman with also blonde hair replied with confidence still in her own business.

"What did you do that people?" Kara questioned her wanting to know why she attacked the innocent people on the inside.

"I just wanted to play, but they didn't want to play with me" the woman said finally turning around but speaking with a playful voice tone.

"You're not going out with it" Kara said with confidence in her voice and being sure that this criminal will not surpased her.

"You think that your the cat and I'm the mouse, but it's not, it's the opposite actually. You can join me and have fun, money equals happiness" the woman said again playing with Supergirl and then laughing maniatically and finishing at the end with an evil smile.

"Drop the bag, now" Kara ordered the woman with a threatning voice but the she just smile evily widely and then used her powers against her.

Kara then started to feel dizzy, also the floor of the place was moving to one side making her move back into the wall trying to find balance, but she couldn't it was to much and then started hyperventilating and at the same time getting all scared. She then had visions about her time in space just after Krypton exploded and she was just in her pod completely scared and alone.

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