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     "His name is George?" Sapnap tossed a grape in the air, catching it in his mouth with a smug smile. "Yeah and he's a real asshole." Dream said, tossing a grape at Sapnap. "Nothing new."

"No, but I mean this in a way from heart!"

"You said that about Prince Francis or whatever." Dream huffed, crossing his arms while glaring at his friend. "He's nice, he wants me to call him by his name." Sapnap looked at him uninterested, this wasn't anything new either. "He also, finds the restricted words dumb. He says it's absurd."

Sap still had no reaction to his words. "Sapnap, he hates crowns!" He finally turned his head towards the other knight, eyes slightly wide. "Seriously? Princes are all about crowns though!" Dream shrugged in pride, feeling he had accomplished his temporary mission in convincing Sapnap that George was different.

"He said he hates how heavy they are."

"Now I wanna meet this guy." Dream shook his head. "But if he's so humble, why is he an asshole?" Sapnap asked, tossing another grape in the air. "He was persistent on finding out what my real name was."

"Oh..."  Dream nodded, "Yeah..." He looked down, rubbing his neck. "Something about how he didn't want something in the past to repeat. I dunno." Sapnap leaned towards him, "Did you tell him not to? Or at least try to?"

"I did! He just ignored me-" Then he remembered what happened in the staircase. "We spent the whole day at the library. He didn't talk to me after that happened." Sapnap tilted his head. "After what happened?"

His face burned up again. "I- Well- Nothing." Sapnap let out a maniacal giggle, "Now you have no choice but to tell me." Dream groaned, "It was nothing!"

"Nothing enough to make your face red?"

He stayed quiet, grabbing another grape and flicking it at his forehead. "My face is not red." Sapnap scoffed, bursting out in laughter soon after. "It most definitely is," Dream glared at him. "What? Do you have a crush on him or something?"

"I barely just served him." The knight shrugged, eating another grape. "I'm gonna go to bed though. Have fun with your little Prince."

Dream threw a grape at him, missing and huffing. As 'humble' as the prince was, having a full 6 hour shift with him was gonna be a pain.


Dream woke up before the sun could, putting on his armor and sword for work. He walked to the Creeper Kingdom, the guards automatically letting him in. He greeted the King and Queen, getting their permission to sit in the Princes room as he slept.

Sam was by far his favorite Prince. Mostly because they spent most of the time in a flower field.

Dream was able to collect his thoughts and relax. He could let himself breathe in fresh air, and sit in a soft patch of grass. Sam would never talk to him, which was good. He would stay in his own bubble, picking flowers and bringing them to a grave.

Eliza Awe
"Always remember I'm in your heart."

It was sad to see Sam lost his mother at a young age, he was only thirteen when she died of a fatal illness. He couldn't say anything though, as he topic was restricted.

Sam was happy though, he healed. After all, it was eleven years ago. He's twenty-four now.

He watched carefully as Sam laid on grass, and stared at the clear sky. He wished he could lay down as well, but he always had to keep his guard-up, attempted assassinations were common with young princes. Typically to make the King and Queen suffer with grief of the loss of a loved on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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