~Bad ideas~

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Hey! Been pretty down lately though I'm working through it, anyways hope your doing okay and enjoy the chapter! :D also I added a trigger warning for eating disorder stuff, although Tommy's going to have a eating disorder for most of the story when the actual mentions of it and doing stuff with it will be trigger warnings since that's a sensitive topic and makes it uncomfortable for some people, if you have any problems feel free to comment or dm :) Bye!


Tommy's POV:

We've been at the house for about 2 ish weeks now. I found out that Techno has a full time job and comes home really late so that explains the break in incident. I've also been thinking of getting a job, then once it's stable we can run away from these fakers. I hate it.. always acting like they care about us. Well, maybe they care about Tubbo but not me, no one has ever really liked me except for Tubbo of course! Maybe that's why they're keeping me, for Tubbo..? I don't know.. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my door opening, Tubbo walks in, smiling. "Hey Tommy! I was getting bored and wanted to know if you wanna come to the park with me?" I smiled at him, "Sure, let's go" he makes a happy noise and runs out of the room to get his shoes if I guessed. "Race you!" He challenged "oh it's on!" I smiled dashing down the hall, slipping on my shoes running straight past Phil and Wilbur talking in the living room. Phil glanced away from his phone looking to me, realizing I was leaving. "Hm? Hey! Tommy where are you going!?" He said running to the door, Tubbo ran into the room, "Park.. Race.. Tommy..!" He panted answering Philza's question. "W-Well be back before sundown!" He sighed watching both boys run off as Wilbur giggled.
30 minuets later-
"Hey Tubbo" Tubbo hummed in response,
"I was thinking of getting a job. Then maybe after I get stable with it we could.. well.. runaway? I'll get an apartment!" I was excited for my idea, being able to leave but Tubbo seemed to have other ideas, looking sad. "What is it?" I was confused, didn't he want to leave too? "Tommy.. I don't want to leave.. they seem nice and they like us!" He smiled, though I could see the sad look in his eyes. "Tubbo, there is no us. You are basically the only one who likes me. I can tell they're just putting on a fake face so you still like them." A tear rolled down my face. I just wanted someone to go to for help.. Tubbo was great but I couldn't tell him about my parent problems since I know it would affect him too. He sighed, pulling me into a hug. "We can't runaway Tommy.. It just won't work"


I stare at the ceiling, tired yet not able to sleep. I want to leave, I know they wouldn't miss me. Well, I know Tubbo would but he could get over me. It's 5am so it's not too late so I decide to get up. I head down the stairs to they living room, in there is Wilbur with his guitar. He looked up noticing me. "Hey" He greeted "Hi." I replied back. We sit in silence, Wilbur playing his guitar and I sit half asleep, listening to him sing.
I drifted off for a little while before being woken up by the smell of waffles. I stretched my arms, eyes fluttering open. In the kitchen Tubbo and Philza were standing over a pan on the oven. Tubbo seem very excited for he hadn't had waffles in a while since.. yeah. Although it smelt amazing, it also made me feel sick to my stomach, I wasn't hungry at all. I sighed, hoping for the best. Suddenly, Techno enters, it's the first time I've seen him since that night. Wilbur turned when he saw him, "oh! Techno I forgot you had a day off!" Will smiled at the pink haired male "yeah, I wanted to spend time with you guys since I've never met Tubbo before." Hearing his name, Tubbo turning "hey, your Techno right? Phil told me that you were another one of our brothers" I flinched at the word, in rage though keeping calm. I didn't like where this conversation was going so I zoned back to my own thoughts. After around 5 minutes Philza called us for food. I sigh, looking down at my plate. Then, the idea came to me.

(TW Mention of throwing up and eating disorder problems TW)

What if I just throw it up later, then they won't notice my.. eating habits. I flinch as I pick up my fork, the cold metal touching my pale skin. I pick scoop up some of the food. I hate every moment of this.. I feel the urge to gag, swallowing all of it down anyway. Just a little longer and you can have it out of your system. I sighed, I don't know why I cant eat. It started when the incident happened. Then I just, didn't ever feel hungry. Which concluded into the throwing up.

(TW Over :) TW)

I was interrupted by the scene of my brother, laughing with his so called brothers and.. father.. I hated it here, no one liked me, so why don't they just get rid of me. Tubbo would be okay after a while and He could be happy. The only thing I want in life is for him to be happy. I stand and walk away, making the excuse of going to the washroom, secretly taking Philza's wallet, tired of watching them bond. I'm gonna miss him.. a lot.. But as long as he's here and safe then it's alright. And to add on to that, he's happy. He was never this happy, so it's my time to go.


The cool air hits my face like a whip. Maybe thinking before leaving would've been smart..
I shook my head, knowing I couldn't go back. I also realized that I need a job. I planned to get a job and then leave but I thought it would be suspicious so I decided to leave now. So here I am, out in the cold late summer night walking at a fast pace so if they did try to find me, which I doubt. I would be too far to find. But what is that feeling.. it's like a terrible, rotten feeling in my gut that just won't go away. Why? I'm not sad, at least I think I'm okay? They shouldn't care that I left. Yet why do I feel so broke..


Heyyy, hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a little rushed since I was tired and had a busy day but I got it out in time so yeah! I'm feeling a bit better now and am already working on the next chapter. Soon it's getting spicy~ I was gonna save him leaving for the next chapter but I wanted to make it longer so here you go :) anyways have a good day! See you tomorrow hopefully! (Ps. I was editing when I was half asleep so tomorrow I might go and fix the mistakes m)

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