The Past II (1/3)

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Mohit's pov

"Yes, that's what I said. But we don't need to get married because we are already married," Arham replied.

What the hell. When did that happen? We hang out together every day. There hasn't been a day that we haven't spent time together. How could that be? No, there was this one month when my parents and I went to India. That's the only time they could have get married. That was a month after Akhram and I found out about Sonia and Sam.

What the hell could have happened in that short time that made them get married? And why didn't they tell anyone? Why aren't they living together?

Why does everyone have a secret? First Ananya and Mehrin, with their past with Julian and now Akhram and Mehwish.

I think it's time for them to tell us everything. But first I want to hear Ananya and Mehrin's past. I want to know why Julian is after them.

Three hours later

We are sitting in the living room of my villa. Mehwish has been discharged from the hospital. She has regular checkups starting next week, 2 times a week.

We decided while we were still driving that first Ananya and Mehrin will tell us their past about Julian and then Akhram and Mehwish will tell us what happened in this one month, that lead them to get married.

"Are you going to start now, or are you going to sit like that for another 10 minutes?", I asked Ananya and Mehrin, since they hadn't said a word for the last 10 minutes.

They looked at each other and then nodded. It's about time.

Suddenly, Ananya stood up and sat down next to me." Can I emm...? ? Can I hold your ha... ?". Without letting her finish her sentence, I take her hand in mine. "Yes, you can and you, if you want, you can start telling now", I said to her in a soft and calm voice while looking into her eyes.

She nodded and smiled while blushing a bit. Why is she blushing?


Ananya's pov

I woke up and called Mehrin so we could go to high school together. Mehrin was very happy these last few days. She said she wanted me to meet someone. After I arrived at the school, she called me and said she would be there in a few minutes. I waited for her for about 15 minutes.

Then I saw her coming with a boy. He was tall and good looking, but something about him worried me. I don't know why, but I don't like him.

"Ananya, this is Julian, my boyfriend. We've been together for two months. I wanted to tell you, but I was waiting for the right time."

"Hey, nice to meet you," Julian said, raising his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you too." I raised my hand to shake, but his touch felt so strange. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much.

Author's pov

Little did she know then that her life would take a terrible turn after she met him.

Ananya's Pov

The three of us hang out with each other every day. For almost two months. In these months I slowly realized that Julian is not what he represents to be before Mehrin. He was a perverted pig, I could tell by the disgusting looks he gave me.

After a few days he started touching me. Supposedly it was always an accident. I could tell by his touches if it was an accident or if he was doing it on purpose. I'm not stupid after all.

"I have to talk to Mehrin. It can't go on like this," I thought to myself. I planned a slumber party for the two of us and thought to talk to her about it. I was afraid she might not believe me, but I was shocked at her reaction.

"I've already noticed, Ananya. I'm a woman like you. I can tell when a guy looks at a woman with those eyes. I'm sorry I didn't say anything until now. To be honest, I was waiting for you to smack him, but you didn't say anything all this time because of me. I was going to break up with him tomorrow anyway, since I realized you weren't going to do anything yourself."

I was shocked, to be honest. I had never thought Mehrin would favor me.

"Don't be so shocked. We know each other for so long. Never would I prefer a boy, and such a bastard like him, over my best friend. You're very important to me and you know what, next time I'll ask for your opinion before I get into a relationship. Or you can just find me someone😜".

I immediately took her in my arms. Friendship is just the most beautiful thing in life and above all when they are real and inseparable.

End of flashback

"So, this was aur past. That's how Julian came into our lives and wants to take revenge from us for Mahrin breaking up with him because of me," I said, or rather I lied. I don't want them to know what happened after that. Mohit will keep yelling at me until I don't become hard of hearing.

Mohit looked at me with, are you kidding me, look. "Ananya I know when you are lying. You should know it by now. Even Mehrin is looking at you with a killer look. I'm sure it's not everything. Come on, out with it," he said while looking deep into my eyes. My heart was racing like crazy. Did he have to look at me like that.

"I think I should tell the rest before Ananya changes our past, 😏" she said. I feel like she wants me to be scolded for what I did. I might had died if Mehrin hadn't come in time with the police that day. Oh god please save me.

To be continued...

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