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The drive back to my apartment was quiet, Christian is very sweet. He played some Fleetwood Mac and Queen, and I gotta say, I wish he was my boss instead of Mr. Grumpy pants.

I just can't seem to figure him out yet. He smiled when I first saw him, he checked me out too, twice. But it's like he turns into a whole different person when we talked business. His whole demeanor changed. He was cold and stern, and pretty scary.

After I signed the contract, he told me by Monday I was to have all my belonging packed and Christian would escort me to his house. I would pack my things into his car and my own, and I would follow him. I wonder what his house looks like. It's probably cold and dark, like him. But maybe its cozy, I hope it is. I hate those new modern houses where everything is white and marble. It's not a home, it's more like a hotel. Why even bother owning a house when you don't even decorate it.

Oh, I hope his house is like Dakota Johnsons'. That's definitely my dream house.

As I walk back up to my apartment and bid Christian a goodbye, I decided I needed to call Niall and Sydney. Sydney has been dating Niall for a couple years now, and she's honestly my best friend. I don't have many close friends. It's easier to distance myself from people. I have school buddies and my coworkers and I go out for drinks sometimes, but no one other than Niall and Syd really knows me.

"Hey Ni" I say

"V! Why'd you cancel lunch? Everything okay?"

"Um, well, I'm sort of uprooting my entire life in two days. How about you?"


"Can you and Syd come over? It's a long story and I need help packing"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way, shit" Niall hangs up and I sigh loudly.

What am I doing. I need a joint.

I walk into my room and roll one up quickly, lighting it and feeling way more relaxed than I have been all day. I lay back in my bed and think for a minute. It's Friday, I have the weekend to pack and get ready for whatever shit show is awaiting me in the next year.

I know this man is dangerous. His company is suspicious, he has a gun on him 24/7, and I am probably going to be cleaning up coke and blood from his house for the next year. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just overthinking this. Maybe he just likes to feel secure and carries a weapon on him just incase. Maybe he does actually shit on the floor and doesn't have time to clean up. He does seem professional, and if he needs to run a company he can't be high all the time.

Can I even talk to Niall about this? I technically haven't signed the NDA yet, since I haven't gotten any information from Harry. I also need to quit my job. I'm not going to bother giving them a two weeks notice. They're all assholes anyways. Anyone who works in a restaurant can tell you that the men there harass you and no one does shit when you complain.

Someone pounding at my door tears me from my thoughts and I put my joint in an ashtray and walk to the door. Niall stares at me for a second, then hugs me with a quick "Hi, what the fuck?'

"Come in, I'll explain in a second. Hi Syd." Sydney hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hi babe, what's happening?"

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