14 | w e r e w o l f

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{E} verything that followed was pure adrenaline. 

Sirius transformed into a big black dog, who strangely resembled Mr. Snuffles, and lunged at Remus, pulling him away from us. 

I caught Draco's eye for a brief moment before Pettigrew dived for Remus' fallen wand. A flash of light and Ron was on the ground, glassy-eyed. Dead? I shook my head to get rid of the thought. We would all get out of this alive.

"Expelliarmus!"  Harry shouted, aiming his wand at Pettigrew. Remus' wand flew out of his hands, and Hermione jumped to catch it. 

Hermione rushed over to him, as Pettigrew started to shrink. 

"NO! He's getting away!" I yelled as I saw a tail scurry away into the grass. Sirius, badly wounded with blood dripping from his muzzle, leaped into action into the grounds after him. 

Everything was going on at once, and I turned this way and that, feeling hopeless as everything crashed into pieces. 

All of a sudden, I was knocked back into reality with Draco shaking me by the shoulders. "Potter! Are you okay?" 

"I-yes. I'm okay." I gripped my wand tightly as I took in what was going on. Ron was unconscious, hopefully not dead, Sirius was after Peter, and Remus had gone into the woods. 

Snape was all we had for company, still unconscious in midair. 

"Can you and Hermione go to the castle and get Professor Dumbledore?" I asked Draco, "Harry and I will find Sirius."

Draco nodded swiftly and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before departing. 

As they left, Harry and I heard whining from beyond the forest, a dog in pain.

"Sirius!" We exclaimed at the same time, running towards the sound. 

The air around us grew cold and unforgiving, and we slowed down to find Sirius back into a man... surrounded by dementors. His hands were around his head, begging, "Please... no..."

Fog started to obscure my vision, the familiar feeling of the icy cold penetrated my insides. "Think of something happy, think of something happy..." I repeated under my breath as we ran to Sirius' side.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled, his voice croaking, "Please... Expecto Patronum!" 

"Expecto-expecto..." I tried, willing the screaming to go away, "Expecto Patronum!"

Nothing happened, and Harry grew desperate. The cloaked dementors started to surround us, floating in like ghosts from across the lake. "Expectro Patronum!" he cried, a sob muffling his voice. A thin wisp of silver came and went like mist, and Harry and I resorted to leaning on each other trying to stay awake. 

I felt my knees buckle and hit the grass, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry yelled from beside me. 

I fumbled for the piece of chocolate left in my robes and split it to give to Harry. It was only a short remedy, as it allowed me to get a tighter grip on my wand. 

The dementors inched forward, and all seemed hopeless. What a shitty time to die. 

I grabbed Harry's hand, together. "EXPECTRO PATRONUM!" 

I thought of the first time I came to Hogwarts and met Harry. I thought of the day when Draco confessed. I thought of...

The nearest dementor reached out a cold, rotting hand towards Harry and clasped its fingers around his neck. Forcing his head upwards, its scabbed face grew closer and closer to Harry's. 

Terror flooded my veins as my eyelids became too heavy to stay open. 

"FUCK YOU AND YOU AND YOUR FLOATING MANNEQUIN BUDDIES!" I screamed, desperately grabbing at Harry's shirt trying to pull him down with the last strength I had left. The cotton seeped through my fingers and I could tell my arms were going limp at my sides as I fell back into the grass, hitting the ground with a 



I woke up to the sound of overlapping voices. 

"They were brainwashed." 

"We can't believe the words of a few thirteen-year-olds-"

"Get out of here! I have patients to look after!"

"W-what happened?" I groaned. I tried sitting up which triggered a throbbing headache towards the front of my skull. "Where's Harry? And Sirius?"

"Harry's fine. And no need to worry! Sirius is locked up, about to get what he deserves." Madame Pomfrey said soothingly, handing me pieces of chocolate. 

"Huh-wait-no-" I staggered to my feet, around the same time Harry woke up from his nice nap. 

"Potter!" Draco rushed in, followed by Hermione. 

"How's Ron?" she asked, sitting down next to his bed. 

"Fine. He just needs a bit of rest." Madame Pomfrey responded looking at all the visitors in disdain. "Now, now, you can visit them later- they all need rest-"

"Potter, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Draco interrupted, scanning me for injuries, "You look terrible!"

"Wow, thanks." I replied sarcastically, "Guys. THEY'RE GONNA KILL SIRIUS!"

Oops. Maybe that was a little dramatic. 

Four teenagers spoke over each other, and anyone could imagine how that went.

"Professor, Sirius Black is innocent! Pettigrew is alive and he faked his death! We saw him with our own eyes. He was pretending to be Ron's pet rat!"


"Please Professor Dumbledore, even if you don't believe us, you are the head of Wizengamot! If there's even a possibility of him being innocent, you have to put him on trial again! 


"There's no reason why an innocent man should have to hide after serving for 13 years!"


"-and really ugly too..."

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore clapped his hands.

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