Chapter 29

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Amanda's P.O.V

"So there I was, facing death straight on and then this magnificent and beautiful creature appeared out of nowhere. She was as majestic as unicorn," Mable spoke animatedly. She's been telling Conlan, Aimee, Dakota, Ray, and I what happened during the period of her short lived death. I had my doubts with a few of the details, but I wasn't about to contradict her. I'll just let her have her harmless fun.

In the midst of Mable's enticing story telling, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. My head tilted up to see Ray looking down at me. I watched him mouth to me.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Sure. I mouthed back.

I had decided that I can't live my life dwelling on my past and to focus on the present. He may have not been there during my childhood and when I was growing up, but I'm willing to put that all behind me so we can start now with making up for lost time. He's still my brother after all. But first, I need to apologize for my behavior the other day.

Ray stepped aside to let me lead us to somewhere quiet and I decided that Conlan and I's room would be the best place, so we walked there. It was silent the whole way there and the atmosphere was very awkward.

When we finally got to me room, Ray spun me around and gave me a bear hug. It was warm and comforting. It made me feel safe and I immediately hugged him back. Conlan's hugs made my heart beat faster, but Rays hugs reminded me that I wasn't alone.

"I'm sorry," we said simultaneously. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything. I'm in the wrong. Stop saying what I'm saying. Stop it. Stop!" We yelled at each other. Our eyes were both challenging each other to see who would crack first. "Butts," we said again. "Ugh!"

"I'm sorry because I over reacted, okay?" I huffed, finally getting out of the vicious cycle that is being siblings. "The past is the past and I shouldn't have blamed you for not preventing something out of your control," he momentarily looked astonished at my words.

"I'm sorry because I should have been there. I should have started looking for you sooner. I should have been the one to save you," we both wore a look of awe.

"Come here!" we both said in unison before collecting ourselves into a bear hug. After a while of comfortable hugging, he was the first one to break off and speak.

"Well, since we're all good now, why don't we make up for lost time and get to know each other," I smiled sweetly up at him.

"I'd like that,"


Ray's P.O.V

What is she doing? Ow. Ow....ow. Why did I agree to this? Ow. What's that stick thing? Is that going near my face. Oh hell to the no it isn't. How did I end up doing this? Oh right, I went missing for all of her childhood. Ugh. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Ow," I whined. I scowled, but Amanda just laughed at my expression.

"Suck it up cry baby, you're going to love this,"

"I bet my bottom dollar that I won't," she just rolled her eyes at me. RUDE.

"Can you stop with the plucking and the prodding?" she puckered her lips and made them quiver.

"I wouldn't be doing this if you were here when we were younger," oh god! How did she know my only weakness was crying woman.

"Shhh. I won't say another word. I promise, just please...don't cry," she immediately brightened up and smiled again. That sneaky little...

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