Chapter 23

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Location: Paci Plaza

Ch'en: Ugh...

Groaning, Ch'en hears the sound of Spade coughing.

Ch'en: S.... Spade....?

Currently, Spade is on top of Ch'en. Both of his hands were keeping him raise as a wall of ice blocks the rocks and debris from crushing them.

Spade: Hey, you're finally awake... [cough] Ah jeez, that explosion really shake things up, eh?

Ch'en: This is not the time and place for joking! How long was I out for!?

Spade: A few minutes, been trying to wake you up.

Ch'en: ...Step aside, I'll slash apart the debris.

Spade: No, we'll be crushed if one of us try to move too much. And... I don't think the wall can hold up any longer.

Like glass, the ice wall began to form cracks as the weight of the debris was too much for it to handle.

Ch'en: What are we going to do?

Spade: I have a plan. See that small to the left of you? Try to crawl out that way.

Ch'en turned to her left and saw a medium-sized crack between the rocks, light spilled into it as she could also hear panicked voices outside.

Ch'en: Will both of us fit?

Spade: Don't know, really. That was the best I could do without accidentally flatting us out.

Ch'en: I'll try. What about you?

Spade: ...

Ch'en: Spade?

Spade: Go. I'll find another way out.

Ch'en: You don't mean... No! I'm not leaving you here! Not again!

Ch'en shouted, realizing what Spade is doing.

Spade: Don't be stubborn, Ch'en. 

Spade smiled not caring about the danger he's in.

Ch'en: But-

Spade: Ch'en! It's either both of us gets trapped or one of us dies. And I'd rather choose the latter.

Ch'en: I promise I'll get you out of there.

Ch'en took one last look at Spade before crawling to the hole, the hole is big enough for Ch'en to pass through as she calls for help.

Still under the rubble, Spade could tell that the wall of ice is almost at the point of breaking.

Spade: Tch, I really need to get out of here.

Summoning his ice pickaxe, Spade begins to mines his way out. 

After some time, most of the debris had been mined away, leading a clear path to outside for Spade. As Spade makes it out, one of the R.L Guard notices him and notify Ch'en.

R.L Guard: Madam Ch'en! He's safe!

Ch'en: Spade!

Spade: What? I told you I'd find a way out, didn't I?

Ch'en: Don't worry me like that!

Spade: Yeah, yeah. Glad to see you too. Is there anyone still stuck under the debris?

R.L Guard: No sir! Madam Hoshiguma protected us during the blast!

Spade: Is she hurt?

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