Chapter 93

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A/n: alrighty, here we go,

TW: really mean kid, like, seriously, this kid is a douche bag, bullying, panic attacks, making fun of abuse.

The door opened, and Lucia's mom, Maya, greeted them.

"Why hello there dears! Oh my goodness is that my grand child? Oh you are so precious!" She smiled.

Virgil's cheeks turned red and he wished he was at an age where it was socially acceptable to hide behind his mom.

"Yeah, he's a real darling isn't he? Oh! I have a great idea, how about you go and meet all of the other kids?"

Virgil felt really awkward. These were his mom's siblings. He was their nephew. They weren't even cousins to him, just aunts and uncles.

He looked around the living room shyly as he saw everyone, aside from Amelia and Julia, who were out.

He looked around and saw Cecelia and Olivia doing a tik tok. So he had a four year old aunt and a twelve year old aunt. Nice.

Kids. He could do kids. Kids were funny and nice most of the time. There was a tiny baby on the floor, laying on his back. 'This must be Isaiah' He thought.

Then he saw Jerry, the two year old.

He smiled. That was everyone, he supposed. They were all kids. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

But then, he heard a toilet flush, and someone washing their hands.

He looked to the door as the person exited the bathroom.


She was sixteen.

All of a sudden, Virgil felt scared. Kids his age, girls especially, are jerks.

No—Virgil had just turned seventeen. He wasn't scared of a Junior.

"Uh, hey" she said awkwardly, "I'm Victoria."

"I'm Virgil"  he said in an equally awkward tone.

"Cool" Victoria muttered, going to sit on the couch.

After a few minutes of staring at Virgil, she became amused. He was so tense. Looking around as if he was worried, shaking just a little bit, and standing in one place, staring at the floor.

"You know, you can sit down you know?" She laughed.

"Hm? Oh right!" He jumped, "sorry" he mumbled, sitting down on the floor.

She chuckled, "no you doofus, I meant on the couch" she smiled, patting the seat next to her.

"Oh, yeah, right right right, sorry..." he whispered, going over to her and sitting next to her.

He began to become very interested in his hands as he intertwined them together, wringing them, and peeling the skin around them off.

He was pulled out of his mind when he felt a tugging on his leg. He looked down to find the absolute cutest baby he had ever seen in his entire life.

The baby made grabby hands and Virgil slowly picked him up, bouncing him on his lap.

Virgil smiled.


"Linda" Remy smirked, "what are you doing?"

Linda jumped and said, "I-i'm sorry..."

"No, hon, it's alright but you know you could've asked, right?"

"Yeah, but, my mommy doesn't let me color..she says it's too childish..."

"Well, you're mom's a needy bit-" he stopped himself, "coin. Bitcoin. Yep."

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