Chapter 19

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Quinn asked as Hayden added more contour to his face in order to make him look more like Harry Potter.

"Of course it will. Muggles might not be the most cultured, but they do admittedly create some quality products" Hayden said.

"Alright, I'm almost done. Do you wear glasses or anything?" Quinn shook his head. Nodding in conformation, Hayden reached over for his wand and transfigured two small makeup applicators into a pair of colored contacts, the same shade of green his eyes used to be before his inheritance.

Leaning forward, Hayden brought one of the contacts up to Quinn's eye, just for the other to freak out.

"W-Wait, is this safe!?" Quinn stuttered, eyeing the small thing Hayden was holding with a critical eye.

"Of course it is, I even used them myself a couple years ago. Although, those were prescription, but that's not important. It's handled the same way" Hayden explained. "I know what I am doing. I promise, it doesn't hurt. It just takes a bit to get used to. Okay?"

Quinn still seemed nervous, but hesitantly nodded just the same.

Once the contacts were in, all they needed to do was change his hair - which was the only thing they used magic for - and they were done.

"Wow, I barely even recognize myself"

"Well, that's kind of the point" Hayden responded, amusement apparent in his tone.

"I guess so, huh" Quinn stared at himself in the mirror a bit longer before fully turning towards Hayden and asking, "What now?"

"Well, now we have to make sure you know all the information you have to convey to Dumbledore" Hayden explained as he led Quinn out of the bathroom and back over the bed where they sat down.

"Alright, about a week ago, I received a letter from Potter and in that letter he had discovered some of the plans the Dark Lord is wanting to enact" Hayden lied, but it's not like Quinn knew he was being lied to.

"What is he planning?" Quinn asked, his eyebrows furrowing in a physical representation of his concern.

"Apparently, the Dark Lord is planning on attacking Hogwarts to prove that no one is safe. That no barrier can keep him out and keep him from furthering his cause. By the end of the school year, he will be making a move, I don't know or where, but he will make himself known to the world, whether they want to believe it or not" Hayden added, a grim expression darkening his features.

"And you think Dumbledore will be able to stop this, prevent anyone from dying?" the other asked.

"That's what we're hoping. Here, this is the letter" Hayden replied, handing Quinn the letter he wrote a couple hours prior.

"Look over it, make sure you know the information" Quinn nodded as he looked over the parchment.

"Get some rest alright, I'll be back later this evening" Hayden told him before getting up and leaving the room. He signed as he closed the door, his expression dropping back into one of boredom as he shivered heavily. It's not easy trying to act as though your aren't freezing to death.

He hurriedly walked to his fathers study knowing that his father would be there already. He practically lived in that study with how much he spent there.

"Back already?" Tom asked as he turned the page of the book he was reading.

"Yeah, he's a lot more gullible than I thought he was. Honestly It just makes it all a lot easier" Hayden said as he sat himself down in front of the fireplace with a blanket he grabbed that was hanging over the sofa in the room.

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