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"Young Master, they are here."

"Let them in the room."

Butler Lee bowed and walked out of the office to receive the guests in.

As expected, Simon had guessed it right. Theodore Belardus had started his move but he did not expect of him to visit him this boldly. Maybe, he did underestimate him a little bit.

Word travels fast indeed, he thought. The other party knew of his knowledge on Winter's location and that he was going to get to her this time no matter what.
The maniac who kept his love away from him was inside his mansion. He wanted nothing but to tear him apart from limb to limb and make him beg for an easy death. Heck if he wanted to kill him right now, he would but the only thing stopping him right now was Winter.
Simon had no clue what relationship Belardus had with her. He needed to find that out first before he could do anything. To make sure Winter would not be harmed in any way, he had to control his anger. It was going to be very difficult for him given the fact that he had Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) but this was not going to take him down.

"His Highness...." Theodore bowed before Simon giving him a sardonic smile. Marcus gave a small nod acknowledging his presence.

Scrutinizing his gaze sharply with clenched fists, Simon took in the view of Theodore and Marcus in front of him and curtly replied "Gentlemen..." his cheeks sucked in defining his flawless jaw lines even more. Controlling himself was very hard right now.

"Take a seat."

While Marcus sat still observing the room, Theodore started the conversation.
"How much?"

"How much?" Simon asked confused.

"For you to leave your little lover. Name your price. I'm willing to pay any amount because I am feeling very generous these days Abbadon."
Theodore grinned seeing that Simon was holding in his anger. He knew that he had succeeded in provoking him.

"You take me as a joke Belardus."
"I am Simon Abbadon. I don't negotiate.......nor do I beat around the bush. So let's cut straight to the chase. Give me Winter and I will let you live you in peace."

Theodore chuckles at Simon's words. How naive was he to think that he would give his Winter to a half-cracked personality.
"The same goes to you too.......you leave her alone then I let you live in peace."

"And may I ask what she is to you that you are willing to risk your life in a war you cannot win? Surely Belardus has not fallen in love with my woman......has he?"

"And what does his Highness think of that?"

It couldn't be. Simon only supposed that and did not give much thought to the possibility of Theodore ever falling for someone. With his personality, was he even capable of loving?

Marcus sat back making himself more comfortable seeing where the flow of their conversation was going, it amused him even more. It was funny because the two maniacs before him were doubting and judging each other's personality  and capability to love. Weren't they just the same as each other? Who were they to question each other when both had uncanny similarities.

Simon stared at Theodore for a few long seconds to be taken aback. He couldn't believe it. So it is true that Belardus also had fallen....fallen very deep at that too. That unwavering gaze that did not falter one bit said everything.

"There are lots of other fish in the ocean Belardus, pick a choice and I will give you anyone you like."

Theodore gave a heavy sigh before leaning in to say "You see here Young Master, I have already chosen my person. And nobody has a say in that." Said Theodore grinning.

"Don't test my patience. Winter is mine."

"But are you hers? Do you think she loves you? She wouldn't have left if she did."

Simon slammed his fist on the table. Theodore was getting on his nerves.

"She says she has never felt more insecure and pathetic then when she was with you."
"You made her feel nothing but just a nuisance.....tell me Simon, you really think you can provide her happiness if she feels that way? Huh?" Theodore raised his voice getting angrier at just the thought of his Winter hurt because of this man.

Lily had updated him about Winter the night he went back after meeting up with Monster and the others. He came home to a sleeping Winter and  snuggled in her arms to sleep. And this very morning he left her with a kiss on the forehead when she was still asleep.

"That's not true!"  Simon shouted refusing to accept that Winter didn't love him anymore. He was not going to believe anyone but only her.
When he finds her, he was going to hear it from her directly. He just knew Winter still loved him. She wasn't someone to give up on him so easily.

"We either settle this peacefully or we don't." Said Simon through gritted teeth. "Butler Lee!"

"Yes Young Master?"

"See them out."

"You are asking for a war Abbadon."
"Know that the Royals will bear heavy consequences." Marcus finally spoke out.

"So be it. If its a war he is asking, it's a war he shall get."
"We thank his Highness for sparing some time."
Theodore finally stood emitting a very cold aura. In fact, both sides stood staring at each other unwilling to yield in to each other. The room temperature dropped down and the atmosphere felt almost too scary for an average man.
Butler Lee felt chills down his spine. The thing he feared the most was happening. One could only hope for a miracle now to stop this catastrophe.

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