one-shot #1

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A/n: I've never done one of these before so I hope y'all enjoy :) oh and this is strictly for female readers only so if ur not one of them pls don't hate j scroll

Prompt: You are starting to fail your classes so Dumbledore insists you get a tutor to help you do better. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for you, you got paired with your long lasting crush.

You were halfway through your third class when the door opened and Dumbledore peered his head in. "[Y/n]. I need [Y/n]." His eyes met your gaze and he waved his hand for you to come over to him. 

You stood up and walked outside of the classroom to talk to him. You tilted your head and  looked up at him, "What do you need, sir?" You nervously played with your fingers and bit the inside of your cheek.

"You're failing some classes, [Y/n]. You're going to need a tutor." He let out a gentle sigh. "I have already paired you up with wonderful student. I have great hopes that she will help you."

I cleared my throat, "Oh, well who will my tutor be?" I fidgeted with my fingers again. I think he could tell I was nervous."

"Oh, only the best. Hermione Granger." He gave a light smile. "You will meet with her after dinner in the library every night." He nodded and walked off.

I felt my face flush at the mention of her name. I scoffed and thought, 'Of course it's her.' I've had a long lasting crush on Hermione for a while now. We are in our fifth year now and I've fancied her since second year. 


I had just finished dinner and I was making my way to the library for my tutoring session with Hermione. As I got closer and closer I felt my breath hinge and my heart started beating faster. I kept clenching and unclenching my fist. I would do that when I'd get nervous around Hermione. I arrived in front of the library door and took a deep breath. 'It's alright, [Y/n], it's just a tutoring session, you'll be alright.' I thought to myself. I clenched the handle to my bag and walked in. 

I saw Hermione sitting near the back of the library and I walked over to her. "Hey, Mione." I whispered and smiled a bit. 

Her head perked up from her book and she smiled. I nearly melted into a puddle. "Hey, [Y/n], you ready?"

I flushed a bit at the sight of her smile, "As ready as I'll ever be." I took a seat next to her. She told me to take some of my things out of my bag to get started. I felt her eyes on me the whole time I was digging through my bag. I looked up and met her gaze. My face flushed an even brighter color than before and I not so subtly tried to hide it. She let out a small giggle and started to flip to a certain page in one of my books. 

After a while of studying we decided to call it a night. Since we were both in Gryffindor we decided to walk back to the dormitory together. We were giggling and telling each other amazing stories all night after we got back to our room. She waved her hand for me to come sit next to her so we could read. As she started reading I felt my head fall onto her shoulder and I fell asleep. This is how most of my nights ended for the next few weeks. 


On the last night of this week I was heading to the library to have my study date with Hermione. At this point we were having so much fun together we decided to call them study dates instead of tutoring sessions. At the end of the last one she she said 'See you next date' with her cute little smile and my insides nearly melted. I was swarmed with butterflies. I made my way into the library and found her in the same place she's at every night.

"Hey Mione." I flashed her a big smile and sat next to her. I started to pull out all my books from my bag. I felt her staring again. I looked up and met her gaze. Before I would've gotten embarrassed and looked away, but I've gotten more comfortable with her in the past few weeks. I held the gaze for a few more seconds as we both smiled. She broke the gaze by turning to her book to flip to the correct page. I couldn't take my eyes off of her smile. I admit it, I've really fallen for this girl, but anyone with half a brain would have to agree when I say Hermione is absolutely stunning. 

I zoned out and was staring at her. Absorbing every little feature on her face. Her lightly freckled nose, her chocolate brown eyes as they jumped from word to word on the page. Mostly, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her lips. Her soft, puffy, pink lips. Oh how badly I wanted to kiss her. Her lips moved as she read each word off the page. I heard her soft, muffled voice in the background as I was zoned out, focusing on her. With my staring I noticed her lips had stopped moving. I looked into her eyes and saw she was gazing at me. I snapped out of my stare and she giggled. I looked away and my cheeks flushed a bright pink. She leaned over the table and turned my face towards hers.

"Just kiss me already." She rolled her eyes and I felt her lips press against mine. My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it. She pulled away and stood up. She walked to my side of the table and sat on my lap, straddling me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She let out a small giggle and I smiled in the kiss. She tangled her hands in my hair and bit my lip smiling. 

"No snogging in my library! Get out you two!" An angry Madam Pince yelled from across the way. Me and Hermione started laughing and we quickly grabbed our stuff  from the table and shoved it in our bags. She grabbed my hand and started to run out of the library. She turned to me and smiled. I got lost in the universe in her eyes as we wandered the school looking for a quiet and cozy place to settle down.


A/n: okay, that's going to be it for the first one, i hope y'all enjoyed it, like i said i've never done one of these before soo if you have any suggestions or tips j leave them

hermione granger one-shots x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now