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The weeks leading up to the fight between Jason and Seth was carefree and fun. Matty finally revealed that he was interested in a girl named Audrey and like with Sam and Dani, we had a dinner to meet her. So now I had teenagers with dates. We also were making plans for the twins sixteenth birthday which was the weekend after the final divorce hearing.

When Sam found out that Jason had invited him to a match, Dani told us he about flipped out from excitement. I thought it was funny because the days he would come over, he gushed about details with Jason. Jay was a good sport about it and shared with him some of the behind the scenes of his training. Jason even told him that he would train him along with Matty if he wanted. When he told Jay that his parents didn’t have the extra to finance that it, Jason went and talked to his parents and said that he would be more than happy to do it for free. I guess you can figure that Sam was really happy about that.

Now, we were all at my parents house getting ready to head to the armory. Jason was already there but left his truck with me so I would have room for everyone. Mom and dad was taking their car and Savannah told me that she would ride with them so Matty, Audrey, Sam and Dani could all ride together. Everyone was on a kind of high waiting to see the fight. I couldn’t help my smile as the kids talked about it on the way.

When we arrived, we were all shown to our seats. A few minutes later, Kyle came out and asked that I come to the back for a few minutes. I felt a little embarrassed because I was singled out and the kids started wolf whistling when I stood up. Before I turned to follow Kyle, I noticed Tobias seating on the other side of the ring and his creepy eyes seemed to follow my every step.

    “Hey,” I heard Jay’s voice and then felt his arms wrap around me. I didn’t even realize that I was already in Jason’s room. I was over thinking the reason why Tobias would be here. All to soon it hit me like a ton of bricks. Tobias was representing Seth, and has probably known him for a long time.

    “Did you know Tobias is here?” I asked.


    “He’s sitting on the other side of the ring. The side that has Seth’s groupies on.”

    “That little...”

    “Weasel,” I finished. “Jay, I honestly think that he had something to do with this.”

    “With the fight?” he questioned.

    “He’s representing him. Jay, be careful out there please.”

    “Baby, you have nothing to worry about. If he thinks that he’s going to get me down on his first fight out, he’s got something else coming to him.”

    “Jay, don’t get cocky and please just listen to me. Be careful. I don’t think I could handle it if something happened to you.”

    “I’ll watch it. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this,” he smiled.

    “Jay, I know from experience. His punched hurt like hell.”

    “Mel, I’ve taken a few fists to the face.”

    “Jason, please,” I begged, tears falling from my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me over to the couch and sat me down on his lap.

    “Okay, it’s okay,” he cooed. I couldn’t help it as I let the images swarm in my mind. I thought back to the worst beating he had given me.

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