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I woke up to a door slamming shut somewhere in the house. I check the alarm clock on my nightstand, 5:28am. I stare at the ceiling waiting the two minutes for it to start ringing.

I wonder where Mr. Styles went this early, he definitely left, because the house is eerily silent.

I roll out of bed and throw on some leggings, keeping the shirt I'm in on as well. And no bra, duh.

I get my bag of toiletries and walk into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth before tying my hair up in a bun. I then grab a checklist form the folder and make my way downstairs. I didn't get to do much adventuring in this house yesterday, so while I dust and sweep I am definitely going to snoop a little.

I walk into the kitchen area, and see a note set on the counter.

I'll be back by breakfast. Cleaning supplies are in the closet down the hall. Don't snoop.

Ha! Yeah fat chance. I'm living here, I need to get familiar with my surroundings, asshole.

I walk down the hall past the staircase and decide to peek into his office just to see what it looks like, and shit. I wasn't expecting there be to a whole wall filled with books, a big desk in front of it, and floor to ceiling windows that look out to the backyard.

I wonder what all the books are for. There are some files there too, but I wonder if he likes reading? I find myself getting curious about him.

He never fails to intrigue me. I have a year to figure him out, and I have a feeling it'll be harder than it should be.

He's obviously closed off and private. The locked doors and secrets that's I'm sure lay within this house prove my suspicions.

I shut the door and continue on my journey to the closet. I see straight ahead there is a door to the outside, and there is the bathroom, and another door to my right. I open to to see a closet full of cleaning supplies, linens, sheets and a washer and dryer.

I get the duster and broom and take them back to the kitchen. I start playing some music on my phone and slide it into the pocket in my leggings. God bless whoever decided to put pockets in leggings. Genius.

I decide to start upstairs, so the first order of business is to peek into his bedroom, of course.

Oh. Well that's not what I expected at all. I assumed it would be all black, maybe some red walls, and gold accents, but its kinda...cozy.

He even has some flowers on his nightstand

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He even has some flowers on his nightstand. The main color is blue, I wonder if it's his favorite or something. There's another stack of books beneath his nightstand and some photos on the walls and dresser. This intrigues me even more, but I'm not trying to get caught in his bedroom. I have a feeling he won't hesitate to slap the shit out of me.

So I sweep down the hall, and both the doors he said were locked, were actually locked. Go figure.

I continue my cleaning and hum along to some
Hozier as I do so. I glance into my room to check them time, 6:13.

I collect the dirt into the dustpan and bring it to the kitchen to empty it. After sweeping the downstairs and dusting above the cabinets it's around 7ish so I decide to start on breakfast, plus I'm getting hungry.

I open his fridge and it's stocked up with almost anything you could think of. I grab some eggs, butter, blueberries, milk, and other fruits. I then walk over to the pantry and get some flour, sugar, baking soda and then reach for a bowl.

I decided to make blueberry pancakes and a smoothie, it seems like a safe bet. He doesn't seem to be a picky eater considering the variety of food he has. As I mix the batter, I hear the front door open.

I continue my cooking, grab a pan and start heating up the butter before I hear his voice, way too close.

"Morning Miss Hart." He says, I can feel his breath on my ear.

I turn around to look and him and fuck.

He clearly just went for a run or a workout, sweat glistens off of his forehead. He's wearing a black sweatshirt and gym shorts, with his hair tied up in a little bun.

There's about a foot of space between us and my pancakes are going to burn, so I turn back around quickly to flip them.

"You should shower. You're sweaty and probably stink." I say, walking around him to begin cutting up strawberries and mangoes for a smoothie.

He hums and picks up a strawberry before ascending up the stairs. I notice how his leg muscles flex as he does so and gulp to myself.

I finish up breakfast, plating it and pouring the smoothies into glasses. I bring them to the dining table and see Harry walking down the stairs in just a towel, low on his hips.

I notice all his tattoos now. A butterfly in the center of his abdomen, and the ferns and sparrows mirroring each other.

I feel my cheeks heat up, but sit down and clear my throat and begin cutting up my pancakes.

"You did you first task I assume?" He breaks the silence after a few minutes.

"Yep." I reply, "I hope you're not going to micromanage everything I do, if I get it done, why does it matter?"

He stares at me, maintains eye contact as he speaks "I like order. I gave you a schedule for a reason. Follow it." He glares.

"...please" he adds before taking a bite of pancake and a sip of smoothie.

"The food is good." He quickly changes the subject. But it doesn't slip past me that he was... polite? For the first time ever. I mean he said please, it's not groundbreaking. Just human decency. But it did take my by surprise.

"Thanks." I reply, not really knowing what else to say.

We finish up our meals and I gather the plates and cups in my arms, being a waitress allows you to carry more shit than thought to be humanly possible.

"I have class in a few minutes, so I'm going to be in my room for a while. Just thought I'd let you know" I say as we walk back to the kitchen and place the dishes in the sink.

"I won't be home until later tonight. I don't care what you do as long as you follow the schedule. Be a good girl and listen to me, yeah?"

I turn around, his arms trapping me against the countertop. His towel still being held up by the loose way he tied it and magic I guess.

I push him away from me with my forearm and begin walking up the first step, before I turn around and lock eye contact.

"Something you should know about me Styles, is that I'm rarely a good girl."

HIIII I'm sorry this chapter is short, I worked a 12 hour shift today and I'm so exhausted, more will come tomorrow!!!

Vote and comment and thank you guys for all the support!


do you guys like shorter chapters (1000-2000 words) with updates often, or would you prefer me to update less and make them longer(5000-10000)? LET ME KNOWWWWW

For reference, all my chapters so far have been under 2000 words :)

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