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Maya's POV

Monday morning. A time nobody likes, especially me. Who wants to go to history first period on a Monday to learn about their life in a dramatic historical way. Not me.

I put on an oversized sweatshirt and some black leggings then straightened my hair and put zero makeup on, I could not be bothered to put in much effort.

"Hey Riles." I smiled walking up to her as she stood at her locker talking to Farkle.

"Maya, why haven't you texted me since Saturday? You know I had to cover for you?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry you had too," I was far from sorry, "I wasn't really on my phone yesterday, just spending time with my parents."

"Okay, I guess that's fair. Was it fun?" She smiled.

"It was. We had a mini movie day then dad made a really good meal then I went into a food coma." I chuckled, it was the truth.

"Ladies, let's go into class." Farkle smiled and walked in, I love how he never ever changed.

We walked in and took our usual seats.

Everything seemed normal, except the expression that was written across Mr Matthews' face.

"What's up Matthews?" I chuckled. He just stared at me.

"Dad?" Riley asked. He again didn't speak, instead he just got chalk and started writing on the chalkboard.

My eyes widen as soon as I read what he wrote.

Safe Sex.

"What the-"

"A girl in the high school another teachers daughter goes too is pregnant, therefore I'm required to teach you all about," he looked between the class and the board, "that." He used his stick to point.

"Is that really necessary?" Lucas spoke up.

"Yes." Matthews said clearly disgusted, and clearly not wanting to have a little grandchild yet.

"Some of us don't need to worry about that." One of the guys said at the back of the class making me confused, until "'cause some if us haven't had their first kiss, isn't that right Maya." I froze.

"Maya don't listen." Riley said. Farkle and Lucas looked at me sympathetically. People were still laughing and Cory was trying to tell everyone to be quiet but it didn't word. I grabbed my stuff and ran out.

"Maya." I heard Riley shout as I walked out the door.

I kept walking towards the front of the school and dialed Josh's number.

Josh's POV

"Maya?" I answered the phone as I was sat on the sofa in the Matthews' and apartment. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"I am. Please come pick me up, I can the here." She sounded shaky.

"Leaving now. I'll meet you around the corner."

"Okay." She whispered before hanging up.

I quickly got the car keys and went down to get in then drove to Maya's school.

When I got there she was half crying and staring at her nails, then when I pulled over she weekly smiled and got in.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Your dorm?" She suggested.

"Okay." I said quietly and started driving to NYU. "Wanna talk about it?"

"No." She whispered.

"If you change your mind I'm here." I reached over and took her hand in mine.

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